
Astrological Forecast for December 2023

Astrological Forecast for December 2023

Astrological Forecast for December 2023

December is here (already? How did that happen?), and it is time for the astrological forecast for December 2023.

It has been a tumultuous and challenging year, and December does not offer much respite. We are turning a corner, but a quagmire of confusing aspects challenges our capacity to find solutions to complex issues.


December 1 – 4, 2023

On December 1, Mercury enters no-nonsense Capricorn and immediately sextiles Saturn the following day. Amidst all the holiday preparations and end-of-the-year- buzz, staying on track with everything on your to-do list presents a real challenge. In Capricorn, Mercury can really get stuff done.
Use it to your best advantage!

On December 3, Venus squares Pluto and Mars quincunxes Jupiter, suggesting conflicting agendas without an easy solution. Pushing ahead in good faith might seem like the best way forward. But the ends do not justify the means. Pursuing only your own best interest may ultimately harm or undermine your goals.


December 5 – 7, 2023

Venus enters Scorpio on December 4 and trines Saturn the following day. Saturn is a demanding taskmaster, unforgiving and determined to achieve his goals. The trine signifies tough love. Doing ‘the hard thing’ may not be pleasurable but promises more satisfaction in the long run. Discipline is an old-fashioned but time-tested value. Apply it to something you care about.

December 6 brings a pushback when the Sun semi-squares Pluto, Mars forms a sesquiquadrate with the North Node, and Mercury does the same with Uranus. Let the dust settle before reacting impulsively to a challenging situation. Consider the origin of the present frustration rather than focusing solely on its symptomatic expression. Neptune turns stationary direct.


December 8 – 11, 2023

The Sun trines Chiron, and Mercury trines Jupiter on December 8, opening an opportunity to deal with issues productively. On December 10, Venus opposes Jupiter, and Mercury sextiles Venus the following day, pointing at the gap between aspiration and reality. Keep the highest goals in mind, but the way forward is pragmatic. Compromise is currency.


December 12 – 16, 2023

The New Moon in Sagittarius takes place on December 12. Mercury quincunxes Uranus, creating a new impossible riddle. An unexpected interference may disrupt the current process. It may be a provocation or a bureaucratic glitch. Stay focused on the ulterior goal rather than getting side-tracked by the turbulence of the moment. This New Moon could be a turning point.

December 13 confronts us with the challenges we must now face. Mercury is turning retrograde until the beginning of next year, slowing things down and creating delays, but also providing an opportunity to go over old stuff and clear out the debris. Sesquiquadrates between Venus and Neptune and between the Sun and Jupiter highlight the stumbling blocks on our plate. Such aspects usually manifest as side-lines of the central theme. Tackling big issues is never a straight journey. Sub-plots make up the beef of the story and come peppered with frustration and disappointment as we run into obstacles along the way.

The semi-square between Mars and Pluto indicates additional irritation. Wilful obstinacy is unlikely to resolve anything. Dealing with issues creatively will be crucial to the healing process at the core of shaping our collective future. It is a long road requiring courage, determination and honesty.


December 17 – 22, 2023

On December 17, the Sun squares Neptune and Venus quincunxes Chiron. A matter of deception, or self-deception, must be addressed if we are not facing the facts. Mercury trines Jupiter the following day, but both are retrograde. This combination sees Mt. Everest as a mole’s hill. Optimism is a good thing, but over-optimism can be problematic.

Mercury forms a sesquiquadrate with Uranus on December 19. Beware of disruption, especially in communications and when travelling. Expect the unexpected and keep a flexible mindset. On December 20, Mercury semi-squares Venus. Attend to your relationships and keep the channels of communication open, if possible, even if something is really bothering you. Venus also semi-sextiles Mars on the same day. Be proactive and welcome the opportunity to learn something about your relationships.

December 21 is busy with a buzz of aspects. Venus opposes Uranus, which is always good for a surprise. Perhaps some unexpected visitors or expected guests may not turn up. The surrounding aspects are mostly minor – a semi-sextile between the Sun and Pluto and a sextile between Mercury and Saturn. But Mars quincunxes Uranus, which looks disruptive. People have different views and ideas about how to do things. Accept that instead of trying to fit everyone under the same hat. We can’t control others’ behaviour. We can only control our response. That is the freedom and responsibility we have in all social interactions.

The winter solstice is on December 22 this year, and the Sun conjuncts Mercury as soon as it enters Capricorn. Still retrograde, Mercury is about to slide back into Sagittarius on December 23, just as Mars sesquisquares Jupiter and Venus quincunxes the North Node. Instead of getting stressed out and frustrated, try practising gratitude and forgiveness towards yourself and others.


December 24 – 26, 2023

On Christmas Eve, the Sun sextiles Saturn, Mars trines the North Node and Venus trines Neptune. It offers a short but notable gap of serenity, a pause for reflection, and an opportunity for atonement.

The final week of the year presents us with a mixed bag of aspects. On December 25, Mars trines the North Node and Venus trines Neptune. Relish the good vibes. The next day, Mercury semi-sextiles Venus, but the Sun forms a sesquiquadrate with Uranus. Certain things may not go according to plan but try to take an adaptive approach and stay flexible.

December 27 – 31, 2023

The Full Moon in Cancer on December 27 features a tight square between Mercury and Neptune. The rush of getting last-minute things done before the new year can be discombobulating, and some things may have to be postponed. We may foster grand visions for the future, but it may be prudent to apply a dose of realism. Action follows thought, but big ideas are often overwhelming.

On December 28, the Sun trines Jupiter, Mercury conjuncts Mars, and both, Mercury and Mars square Neptune. Take a moment to reflect on the year that has passed and your hopes and aspirations for things to come.
If you are feeling bold, make a plan. Goal-oriented Mars loves a challenge and always needs something to pursue. When squaring Neptune, he can be zealous and quarrelsome, fighting windmills.

The year is coming to a close. On December 29, Venus sextiles Pluto just before entering Sagittarius. The following day, Venus forms a sesquiquadrate with Chiron. Be mindful of your health and well-being so that it does not interfere with your plans to welcome the new year.

There are no major aspects on December 31. The Moon moves into Virgo on that day.

Kat Morgenstern

About Kat Morgenstern (AstroCat)

I am an astrologer, life coach, and counselor, writer, thinker, and eco-therapist. Astrology can show us not only where our unique talents lie and how we might best use them. I believe that self-knowledge is the key to fulfilling your life's dreams. I am passionate about helping people to find their unique way through difficult phases of their lives. 

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