New Moon in Libra Oct. 16, 2020
his New Moon features the setting for the showdown of multiple crises that have been building up throughout the year. It is likely not going to be nice but could have some real surprises in store.
his New Moon features the setting for the showdown of multiple crises that have been building up throughout the year. It is likely not going to be nice but could have some real surprises in store.
This Full Moon in Aries feels quite tense. The Moon in Aries conjuncts Chiron, which brings public health into focus. People are fed-up with restrictions and increasingly demand their individual rights be honored.
New Moon in Virgo on September 17, 2020 heralds a difficult time ahead. We have to balance legal and moral choices, and exercise patience.
This Full Moon brings a lot of contrarian energies that are not easy to handle. Wherever there is a yes, there is a but…
Reading the signs of the times. Find out what the New Moon in Leo has in store for us. A picture of irreconcilable tension. Awkward!
This Full Moon has plenty of sizzle, even though it takes place in the aloof sign of Aquarius.