Full Moon in Libra – March 28, 2021
The Libra/Aries polarity of this Full Moon focuses on the balance between the impulses and will of the ego, and the demands of the social world.
The Libra/Aries polarity of this Full Moon focuses on the balance between the impulses and will of the ego, and the demands of the social world.
This New Moon in Pisces offers the potential for manifesting your dreams and making them real – but of course, there are also some pitfalls.
The Full Moon in the sign of Virgo opposes the Sun in Pisces, which is joined by Venus. It seems to pick up on the ambivalence of longing for togetherness, for emotional closeness and connection vs. the cautionary principle, and the sense of unease that lingers despite the fact that many countries are beginning to look for ways to end the endless lockdown.
The New Moon in Aquarius is a real Aquarian Bonanza! The Sun and Moon are joined by four other planets, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.
With the Sun conjunct Jupiter, this Full Moon in Leo is particularly auspicious. But there are also challenges.
This New Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto has a dark taste of foreboding. There is an almighty power struggle going on.