Full Moon in Capricorn, June 24, 2021
The Full Moon in Capricorn is quite a mixed bag. There are a lot of ‘positives’ or what astrologers consider ‘easy’ aspects. But there are also some challenging ones, and they are potent.
The Full Moon in Capricorn is quite a mixed bag. There are a lot of ‘positives’ or what astrologers consider ‘easy’ aspects. But there are also some challenging ones, and they are potent.
On this New Moon in Gemini, the Sun is eclipsed, and the luminaries are conjunct retrograde Mercury. Solar eclipses signify a moment of darkened consciousness, while New Moons generally signify new beginnings or renewals.
This Full Moon in Sagittarius will loom large as it rises above the horizon – it is the second of only two Supermoons this year.
The New Moon in Taurus marks a delicate moment at which we can choose a path of selfishness and greed or a path of sharing and caring for all.
The Full Moon in Scorpio has an intensity that is not easily matched by any other sign. This one will be no exception. On the contrary.
The New Moon in Aries is on fire. With the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Chiron all in the sign of the Ram(bo), boisterous energy abounds.