Venus passes through Capricorn, Nov 5, 2021 – Mar 6, 2022
Venus is in Capricorn from November 5, 2021 to March 6, 2022 – a very long time! In this sign, Venus is rather sober and practically minded.
Venus is in Capricorn from November 5, 2021 to March 6, 2022 – a very long time! In this sign, Venus is rather sober and practically minded.
Mercury passes through Scorpio from November 5 – 24, 2021. It can put us on edge with its uncompromising, challenging intensity.
Mars is transiting Scorpio – an intense, uncompromising, determined and cunning sign. The shadows are crawling out of the woodwork, and Mars will want to fight them.
Mysterious Scorpio is perhaps the least understood sign of the zodiac and thus the most feared. Deep down, Scorpio is highly sensitive.
Attention fixed signs: Saturn has been retrograde since May 23, when it was at 13° Aquarius. It is now turning direct at 6° Aquarius.
Most people will be happy to see Venus moving from secretive Scorpio to gregarious Sagittarius, where Venus feels footloose and fancy-free.