Full Moon in Sagittarius
This post looks at the aspects of the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4, 2023, a stimulating and exciting time, with question marks.
This post looks at the aspects of the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4, 2023, a stimulating and exciting time, with question marks.
Find out what’s happening with the planets on this New Moon in Sagittarius! A highly charged moment, but not quite the right time to act.
Mars is in fiery Sagittarius from Dec. 13, 2021 to January 24, 2022. A spirited season lies ahead. But careful! Mars can be accident-prone
The Sun enters Sagittarius, the sign of the Archer on November 22 to December 21. Sagittarius is depicted as the Centaur, both horse and man.
Most people will be happy to see Venus moving from secretive Scorpio to gregarious Sagittarius, where Venus feels footloose and fancy-free.