Mars is in Capricorn, January 24-March 6, 2022
Mars is in Capricorn until Mar 6, 2022. This is actually a beneficial placement for Mars, as it disciplines and focuses his fiery energy.
Mars is in Capricorn until Mar 6, 2022. This is actually a beneficial placement for Mars, as it disciplines and focuses his fiery energy.
Mercury, the messenger planet, enters earthy Capricorn. Capricorn grounds that mercurial energy and puts it to strategic and purposeful use.
Mars is in fiery Sagittarius from Dec. 13, 2021 to January 24, 2022. A spirited season lies ahead. But careful! Mars can be accident-prone
Mercury, the inquisitive messenger of the gods, is entering Sagittarius on November 24, He is rushing through the sign in leaps and bounds.
The Sun enters Sagittarius, the sign of the Archer on November 22 to December 21. Sagittarius is depicted as the Centaur, both horse and man.