New Moon in Sagittarius, December 1, 2024
New Moon in Sagittarius
December 1, 2024, 6:21 GMT
This New Moon looks like a phase of catching our collective breath and mopping up after the turmoil of November. Until December 15, Mercury stays retrograde in Sagittarius, so don’t expect things to get done fast. This is not the best time to travel, especially overseas. If you have to deal with important paperwork, be sure to dot all the i’s, and read the small print before signing anything. Expect delays and cancellations.
Sun Moon in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini (wide) square Saturn in Pisces
Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces
The Sun and Moon in Sagittarius have adventures on their minds, and Jupiter, opposite in Gemini, loves making elaborate plans. Saturn in Pisces, however, throws a spanner in the works. Our big dreams may clash with the necessities of life, demanding a sacrifice.
But a delay is not a cancellation. It may pay off in the long run if we rise to the challenge, shoulder those responsibilities or postpone gratification of those urgent desires.
Sun/Moon is Sagittarius semi-square Venus in Capricorn
A semi-square is not a wildly significant aspect, but it provides a clue as to the root of the frustration. Venus in Capricorn is ambitious and strategic. It knows how and when to play the right cards to get ahead, but it may frustrate other desires, or even go against dearly held principles and beliefs. It also suggests relationship conflicts due to working too hard and playing too little.
Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
Uranus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces
Venus is involved in an aspect pattern, sometimes called ‘little trine’. Neptune, at the apex, sextiles Venus and Uranus, which trine each other in earth signs. Any patterns involving Neptune are potentially fishy. There could be a financial windfall or a lucky opportunity, but there is also the danger of blowing it all. Neptune’s and Pisces’ downfalls are delusions, glamour, and grandiosity.
Sun, Moon in Sagittarius trine Mars in Leo
Mars in Leo infuses the action potential of the Sun and Moon with boldness and courage. Believe in yourself and take bold action.
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini
Sesquiquadrate Mars in Leo
This aspect is a classic signature of ‘putting one’s foot in it’. Retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius often speaks before thinking, and the opposition to Jupiter in Gemini does not help. Now, Mars gets into the mix, with boldness and impulsivity, that may completely wreck any chance of a civil discourse. If efforts were blocked, Mars is likely to vent its anger and frustration. But there is another dimension to this story. Audacity may be part of a larger strategy.
Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius (0 degrees)
Pluto has just entered Aquarius for good (it will take 20 years to transit this sign). The full-blown Pluto-in.Aquarius-revolution is about to get underway. Mars has been opposing Pluto for a while. First from Cancer (Pluto in the last degree of Capricorn), and now, after they both have changed signs, their opposition continues. This aspect is about malice, control, and domination.
Jupiter in Gemini sesquiquadrate Pluto in Aquarius
Jupiter is also involved in this extended pattern, but it is not immediately obvious. It looks like a plutocratic power play is at work. It’s complicated. Jupiter in Gemini can twist words to manipulate or use pompous rhetoric for self-projection.
Saturn in Pisces square New Moon, semi-square Pluto in Aquarius
Saturn, the preserver of order, is blocking the flow of change, much to the frustration of those eager to overthrow it. Hesitation increases the pressure.
Sun, Moon in Sagittarius trine north node in Aries
Mars in Leo trine north node in Aries
The trines to the North Node suggest these planets are aligned with the developing Zeitgeist. This is a dangerous time. Sabre rattling and eagerness to end the status quo is dangerously destabilising.
Neptune in Pisces conjunct north node in Aries
Pluto sextile North Node
Neptune and Pluto, influencing the North Node in Aries, implies an attempt to gain public recognition by shady, manipulative or forceful means, and/or with lies and deceit. Look for signs of collective delusion.
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries
Venus in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries
Jupiter in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries
A mixed bag of Chiron aspects suggests certain issues must be revisited before a lasting peace can be achieved. There are always multiple facets to any problem, and there is always something that we can learn from them. Look for opportunities to learn from challenges and use the opportunity to grow.
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