Full Moon in Capricorn, July 21, 2024, 10:16 GMT
Full Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto,
Sun opposite Pluto
Full Moon mark times of completion. This is especially salient on this Full Moon in Capricorn, which conjuncts Pluto, the planet of transformation, albeit in different signs.
Pluto is at 0° Aquarius, retrograde, and on the brink of sliding back into Capricorn for one last rendezvous. We are on a threshold.
It is time to take stock of the dramatic transformations that have taken place during Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, to tie loose ends and bring things to a conclusion.
To recap, Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, ushering in the financial crisis, unleashing havoc on the financial markets, destabilising political institutions, and fuelling mistrust. Conspiracy theorists have eroded the very pillars of society. When Pluto re-enters Aquarius on November 19th, 2024, we face a very different world.
This year, over 40 national elections decide the coming epoch and set the scene for Pluto’s transit through Aquarius, which will last for 20 years. Much is at stake.
The Moon in Capricorn symbolises stoicism, pragmatism, and ambition. Its shadow is ruthlessness. The Sun in Cancer signifies loyalty, family, and emotional bonds. In politics, it stands for identity politics and nationalism. When a flag becomes a symbol of identity, it can be used as a tool for manipulation, playing on collective fears.
On a personal level, Pluto, so close to the Moon, can signify tremendous resilience and determination. Resilience is a hard-won coping response to hardship, loss, or abuse. Certain factors support the development of this coping muscle. Among them are family- and friendship ties. Protect your safe space, so you have a refuge when things go awry.
Sun in Cancer sextile Mars in Gemini
Moon in Capricorn, Pluto in Aquarius trine Mars
Mars in Gemini conjunct Uranus in Taurus
There is a sense of upheaval in the air. Mars in Gemini portrays an intellectual edge, fit for all-out verbal war. Mars is still conjunct with Uranus, and both aspect the Sun, Moon and Pluto. There is a lot of public commotion going on. Pluto in the mix suggests a power battle, likely fought with subversive technology invisible to innocent eyes. Dissenting voices may be silenced.
Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
The dramatic combination of Mercury square Uranus further emphasises the electric charge presently frisking the atmosphere. According to the shock doctrine, chaos is often exploited and used as a smokescreen for secret manoeuvres.
In personal relationships, this planetary combination can signify misunderstandings, leading to open conflict and confrontations. This high-frequency energy is hard to tame. Beware of your trigger points and try not to overreact or act impulsively.
Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries.
There is hope, however, if we are brave enough to address issues head-on. A healthy sense of self-worth provides the courage for such confrontations. Speak your truth, but you don’t have to shout it from the roof.
Sun in Cancer semi-square Jupiter in Gemini
Moon in Capricorn sesquiquadrate Jupiter
Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter
Venus in Leo is generous and loves to show off, even beyond her means. Jupiter in Gemini is game, but its enthusiasm is dampened by the Sun and Moon, who bid for restraint. The Moon in Capricorn calls for pragmatism and responsibility. The Sun in Cancer would rather spend energy or money on people and things dear to its heart. Finances can be a tricky issue when negotiating what to spend on. It reflects divergent philosophies and worldviews.
Venus trine North Node
Jupiter sextile North Node
Venus and Jupiter cast supportive aspects to the North Node, suggesting their game is fair and in line with destiny. Sometimes good things can happen when we are bold enough to dare, even if the inner adult tries to steer us towards more responsible actions. Sometimes, playing hard opens doors that diligence cannot.
Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces
Moon/Pluto sextile Neptune
This aspect pattern can be delusional, dreamy, spiritual, or creative. A bit of madness is often entwined with creative inspiration. Or, perhaps, it comes as a call to adventure. Listen closely to your intuition and allow yourself to dream.
Mars sextile Neptune
A sense of meaning and purpose are the greatest motivators. Neptune may be the source of this inspiration, and Mars takes up the challenge. When we put compassion at the heart of our actions, pursuing our visions and dreams becomes natural. Self-sacrifice is more willingly done when it serves a greater purpose.