
Astrological Forecast for October 2024

Astrological Forecast for October 2024

Astrological Forecast for October 2024

October will keep us on the edge of our seats from the beginning to the end. Keep breathing, practice mindfulness, and hold on to your authenticity and integrity. This is a decisive month, but full of tension and frustration.


October 1 – 5, 2024

October begins with a promising configuration in which the Moon plays a crucial part as it passes through the last degrees of Virgo. It opposes Neptune and forms a grand trine with Uranus and Pluto, thus creating a fleeting kite with Neptune at the apex and the Moon at the tail. Normally, the Moon is not given much significance in such transit interpretations because its influence is so fleeting. It just provides the flavour of the day. But in this configuration, it is the finger on the pulse, the emotional barometer filtering the influences of the Zeitgeist, signified by the outer planets.

Mars, Saturn, and Venus, none of which are in favourable signs, also form a grand trine – in water. The atmosphere is charged with heavy emotions, guilt, shame and blame, dressed up as patriotism, revenge, and sacrifice.

The earth trine, involving the transpersonal planets, conveys a sense of fate. On the New Moon Eclipse in Libra, on October 2, the Sun and Moon closely conjunct Lilith and Mercury, all semi-sextile Venus in Scorpio, and square Mars in Cancer.
Yet, the grand trine in water between Mars, Venus and Saturn, and the little trine between Pluto, Uranus and Neptune dominate the chart. Old relationship issues must be cleared to prepare for a new dawn.

The pattern culminates on October 3: The Sun conjuncts Lilith, bringing dark motivations to light, while Mercury semi-sextiles Venus, and Venus forms a sesquiquadrate with Neptune. Although there is an opportunity to talk, deception is likely, leading to disappointment, regret, or loss.

Frustration is high on October 4, when Mercury quincunxes Saturn. It is difficult to reconcile two conflicting views, and compromise is hard to find. The Sun’s sesquiquadrate with Uranus highlights the tension and snapping potential. But, Venus trines Saturn, showing active dedication and commitment to caring for older people, the needy, those affected by hardship, or simply accepting a burden of love. It is also an aspect of self-worth and raises the question of personal boundaries.


October 6-11, 2024

On October 6, Mercury squares Mars and the Sun quincunxes Saturn. Anger is in the air, but harsh words fall on deaf ears. It is impossible to do or say what is necessary without offending or hurting someone. But by October 9, Venus trines Mars, and Mercury trines Jupiter, raising hopes of diplomatic efforts. Mercury opposes Chiron on the same day, presenting an opportunity to address the sticking point openly, even if agreement can not be expected.

Jupiter turns retrograde on October 9, heralding a period of retreat and introspection. Jupiter sextiles Chiron and both quincunx Venus in Scorpio. Venus also forms a sesquiquadrate with the north node. Venus holds the reins, but her moves are full of ambiguity.
On October 11, Mercury quincunxes Uranus, adding another layer of complexity to the stalemate – increasing tensions and frustrations, which could turn explosive.


October 12 – 16, 2024

Pluto turns direct on October 12. It makes its way back to Aquarius, covering the last degree of Capricorn one last time. It’s crunch time. The period from now to the end of the year will set the stage for the transition of Pluto into Aquarius.  Meanwhile, the planets continue their awkward dance in the run-up to the Full Moon. Although Jupiter sextiles Chiron on October 12, Mercury quincunxes Neptune and sesquiquadrates Saturn. The mood is edgy and confused. No amount of pleading and praying is likely to sway Saturn. On October 13, Mercury squares Pluto as he enters Scorpio, and Mars squares Chiron. The atmosphere crackles with intensity, an uncompromising harshness. Chiron is much in focus. As a healer, his wisdom is of the earth and the sky. Public health could again be in the public focus, perhaps regarding diseases erupting in war zones. October 14, is also a busy day in the stars. The Sun opposes Chiron, trines Jupiter and squares Mars, while Venus opposes Uranus. Small things can easily blow up into major confrontations. On the Full Moon on October 17, Venus trines Neptune just before entering Sagittarius, or a spiritual understanding. The Sun trine Jupiter also sounds hopeful and may spell creative or romantic opportunities, but Neptune is unlikely to sustain them. Neptune is in love with the ideal of love rather than the reality of a relationship.


October 17 – 22, 2024

The Full Moon on October 17 is highly dynamic and charged with emotions. A grand cross involving the lights, with the Moon conjunct Chiron, squaring Mars in a wide opposition to Pluto, draws the big picture full of jarring tension. Mars opposite Pluto is uncompromising and combative, while the Moon conjunct Chiron opposite the Sun appeals to wisdom. There are several harmonious aspects, too, showing openings and opportunities to crack the impasse. Venus sextiles Pluto just before entering Sagittarius. Facing the shadow is an essential aspect of healing.

On October 19 and 20, the Sun quincunxes Uranus and Neptune, forming a double quincunx, or yod, which always seems to carry karmic significance. The question is, will there be another opportunity to resolve the current issues?
Before the Sun moves into Scorpio, it squares Pluto. But Mercury trines Saturn, and Venus forms a sesquiquadrate with Chiron. Perhaps not everything works out perfectly, but opportunities for serious talks exist. The Sun enters Scorpio on October 22, 2024.


October 23 –  30, 2024

Venus trines the North Node on October 23, paving the way for social interactions or agreements that could have long-term significance. Mars sextiles Uranus on October 25, pushing, perhaps too impulsively, for action. 
On October 27, Mercury takes the helm in the double quincunx/yod, with Chiron and Jupiter holding the bases, an aspect of deep healing and transformation. The double quincunx shows the dilemma of the healing crises: not knowing how to blend two incompatible options into a cohesive and authentic solution. Disease is not simply a battle of the body against external forces, but often reflects an inner growth process. Mercury, at the apex in Scorpio, shows that we need to go deep and embrace an inner transformation. Mercury, the psychopomp must be brave and confront whatever skeletons are lurking in the cupboard.  

Venus forms a sesquiquadrate with Mars on October 28, signalling more irritation and frustration, perhaps over extravagance, deception or impulsive risk-taking, as Mars trines Neptune and the Sun forms a sesquiquadrate with Jupiter.

On October 29, Mars forms a sesquiquadrate with Saturn. He seems to be on a collision course, riling against the boundaries Saturn is placing in its way, and the Sun quincunxes the North Node. This last period of October is edgy and irritable. Anything can set off a chain reaction leading to unforeseen consequences. Practice mindfulness and patience.

The end of the month sees Venus semi-sextiling Pluto on October 30, while Mercury opposes Uranus. Don’t be surprised if a bluff is going to be called, and things vehemently take an unexpected turn.









Kat Morgenstern

About Kat Morgenstern (AstroCat)

I am an astrologer, life coach, and counselor, writer, thinker, and eco-therapist. Astrology can show us not only where our unique talents lie and how we might best use them. I believe that self-knowledge is the key to fulfilling your life's dreams. I am passionate about helping people to find their unique way through difficult phases of their lives. 

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