
Solar Eclipse – New Moon in Aries, April 8, 2024

Solar Eclipse – New Moon in Aries, April 8, 2024

Total Solar Eclipse in Aries

April rocks.
The New Moon in Aries coincides with a total Solar Eclipse visible in North America, and everyone is thrilled about this rare event. It is super-exciting, but Eclipses of the Sun temporarily plunge the world into darkness. The event marks a highly intense and volatile time that will shape the next 6 months and probably beyond. The eclipse is in fiery Aries, and the lights are closely conjunct with Chiron, while Mercury, still retrograde, is also in Aries.

A pile-up in Aries

Aries is on fire. The Sun, Moon, Chiron, Mercury, Venus and the North Node are all in this hyperactive, impulsive, courageous, and zealous sign. This is the reason this moment is so precarious. Watch out for the gas-lighters. Little things can become big issues with unforeseen consequences. Keep your cool!


The Sun, Moon, and Chiron are conjunct in the same degree in Aries

Chiron mingling in the mix, so close to the Sun and Moon during this powerful eclipse, suggests the trigger point is an old, still festering wound. Sometimes, a cover-up can let us forget past pain, but when something triggers the pain-point, everything is washed up to the surface again. Although lashing out is often the first and most natural reaction, it is for us to come to terms with our wounds. Anger is pain disguised. Dealing with it is essential if we are to free ourselves from its paralysing effects.

Aries is a warrior sign. All those planets in Aries have enormous potential for decisive and radical action. The healing process is likely preceded by a crisis, but can ultimately lead to a positive decision. We cannot undo the past, but we don’t have to let it determine our future. We can use our dreams and desires to fulfil our potential if we stop blaming the world for not being what we expect it to be.

Mercury retrograde in Aries

Mercury retrograde is a red flag for many, and it often complies with its reputation of making communications difficult, hiding things, or making technology uncooperative. But beyond all that, there is a Mercury retrograde nook to which we can retreat. Here, we find time to catch up with unfinished paperwork or revisit ideas gathering dust in a drawer. Yet, it can also be a vulnerable time when things we would rather forget pop up to bite us in the bum. At any rate, it is a good idea not to take random offers at face value (there may be hidden strings attached). Be extra careful with contracts and double-check the small print. If you want to get somewhere fast, don’t rush; take one step at a time.


Uranus conjunct Jupiter
Jupiter and Uranus semi-sextile New Moon and Chiron

The most significant astrological event of the year is the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction. The two planets are still 3 degrees apart, but their energy is becoming tangible. There is a sizzle in the air, a somewhat uneasy anticipation. A radical shift is very possible, but which way will it swing? The fallout is unpredictable.


Saturn conjunct Mars in Pisces

Saturn and Mars are closely conjunct in Pisces. This is a tricky combination. Saturn or Saturnine signs can give structure to Mars’ actions. But in Pisces, the focus is rather diffuse. It feels like more of an existential battle, a spiritual struggle in search of a meaningful direction. The question is, what are we willing to sacrifice to achieve our goals?


Saturn, Mars semi-sextile North Node

The struggle (see above) affects our destiny, for better, or for worse. This aspect tests our resilience, determination, and faith. But it can serve as an excuse for self-sacrifice. Some will hear it as a battle cry, others as a call to adventure!


Venus sextile Pluto

Venus is in Aries, surrounded by her planetary pals, but makes no aspects except for a sextile with Pluto in Aquarius, signalling unabashed self-care. Although Aquarius is a social sign and concerned with group ideals, Venus in Aries realises she can serve no one, if she does not look after her own needs first. Her goal is to share her boon because she loves to be loved for her generous deeds. It’s only by being true to ourselves that we can benefit others, despite what we have been taught.

Kat Morgenstern

About Kat Morgenstern (AstroCat)

I am an astrologer, life coach, and counselor, writer, thinker, and eco-therapist. Astrology can show us not only where our unique talents lie and how we might best use them. I believe that self-knowledge is the key to fulfilling your life's dreams. I am passionate about helping people to find their unique way through difficult phases of their lives. 

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