Happy Birthday, Taurus!

Happy Birthday, Taurus!

When the Sun moves into Taurus the most joyful time of the year is upon us! Everything is lush and green and bursting into flower! The birds are busy singing their love songs and building nests. All of nature is celebrating the arrival of spring.

Mercury enters Aries

Mercury enters Aries

After this long period of drifting through Pisces, it is a relief to see Mercury change signs and move on. In Aries, Mercury is a lot more focused and decisive. The sense of limbo should soon dissipate.

Venus moves into Gemini

Venus moves into Gemini

Venus in Gemini is a social butterfly. She thrives on social connections, loves parties and gatherings and adores variety. She is also a chatterbox and loves to gossip: if you want to spread news fast, tell Venus in Gemini a secret.

Mars enters Aquarius

Mars enters Aquarius

After stirring things up in Capricorn, Mars is moving on and entering Aquarius. In passing, he fired up Jupiter and Pluto before joining Saturn in Aquarius,

Saturn moves into Aquarius

Saturn moves into Aquarius

Finally! After a seemingly endless time in Capricorn (since 2017) Saturn is moving into Aquarius, his other domain. He shares rulership of this sign with Uranus, which at first sight, seems utterly incompatible. That is, until you understand the dynamics of the Saturn/Uranus relationship, especially as regards the social order.