Happy Birthday, Pisces!
This post offers a brief view of the astrological meaning and symbolism of the sign of Pisces, its myth and psychology as used in Astrology.
This post offers a brief view of the astrological meaning and symbolism of the sign of Pisces, its myth and psychology as used in Astrology.
Let’s celebrate Leo! Nowhere is the Sun happier than in the sign of Leo, its own domain. The association between the Sun, the Lion and the King is ancient.
The Sun is moving into Cancer, at the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2020. The constellation of the Crab may be inconspicuous, but none is more significant!
Mercury rules Gemini and is more than happy to return to his own domain. Here, Mercury feels light and breezy. He jokes and makes light of things that other signs may find distressing. Joking is a form of self-protection. Mercury’s approach to resilience.