Venus passes through Leo-June 27 to July 22, 2021
Venus is in Leo from June 27 to July 22, 2021. Leo is a romantic and fun-loving sign for a vivacious Venus. Unfortunately, her stay does not last long, so we’d better make the most of it!
Venus is in Leo from June 27 to July 22, 2021. Leo is a romantic and fun-loving sign for a vivacious Venus. Unfortunately, her stay does not last long, so we’d better make the most of it!
Venus passes through Cancer from June 2-27, 2021. The outlook on relationships and emotional intelligence take on a whole different flair.
From May 2 to 28, 2022, Venus is transiting Aries. Let’s take a look at what that might mean and what we can expect during this time.
Venus moves through Aquarius from Feb 1-25, 2021. In this sign Venus is a free thinker, fiercely independent, and, a sometimes a bit aloof.
Venus is moving on into the rather sober Capricorn. It feels a bit like this is ‘the morning after the night before’. The party is over. It’s back to work.