Eclipse New Moon in Libra, October 2, 2024
Eclipse New Moon in Libra, October 2, 2024, 18:46 GMT
The Eclipse New Moon on October 2, 2024, brims with intensity. Unusually, the New Moon is conjunct the South Node. This eclipse is about the liminal time/space between an ending and a new beginning.
Eclipses are pivotal times, globally, but their effects are most acutely felt when they touch planets or angles in a natal horoscope. Intense and powerful, they can trigger a cascade of karmic events, setting the tone for the near and medium-term future.
During this eclipse, the New Moon conjuncts the South Node, implicating past events or relationships that may resurface, begging to be processed. The themes are integration or closure.
Use the energy of this New Moon eclipse in Libra to find your inner balance, and let go of old emotional baggage that limits your growth.
Mercury, Sun conjunct Moon
Mercury closely conjuncts the New Moon, zooming in on communication as the guiding light to help us find the way through the shadow of the eclipse. Observe the negative space to see the positive image more clearly. Contrast creates definition.
On the political stage, we might observe serious diplomatic efforts attempting to recreate an equilibrium. Cool heads are needed.
Mercury, Moon, Sun square Mars
Mercury, New Moon semi-sextile Venus
The semi-sextile between Mercury and the New Moon in Libra, and Venus in Scorpio is significant because it forms the bridge between the Eclipse New Moon and the other major configuration in this horoscope, the grand trine in water between Venus in Scorpio, Saturn in Pisces and Mars in Cancer. It highlights an approach that can help us integrate the themes of the New Moon eclipse. While Mercury and the Moon in Libra are strategic and diplomatic, Venus in Scorpio is in touch with the deep feelings involved in the scenario. These can not be brushed aside. Mars squares Mercury, the New Moon and the South Node, highlighting its seething anger. Mars in Cancer can be very touchy and insecure, lashing out to fend off ridicule and prevent losing face, but vulnerability and openness are the indicators of real strength. At the core, this issue is about trust and truth. Rage stems from fear.
Grand Trine in water – Venus, Saturn, Mars
The Grand Trine in the water signs suggests that this Eclipse New Moon in Libra will be far more emotional than what we would expect from the rational sign of Libra. Deep emotions cannot be processed with mathematical precision. It takes genuine empathy to navigate these waters. None of the planets involved are in favourable signs. Venus in Scorpio is known for its emotional intensity but can be manipulative and vindictive. Her big issues are trust and control.
Saturn in Pisces is a slippery rock in an emotional sea. Its efforts to hold back the tide are mostly futile. It often blames itself and struggles with melancholy and depression. Mars wants to be a hero, but in Cancer, it is overly protective. Because of insecurity, it is easily triggered and provoked into lashing out blindly. Keep your life vest on as you venture these waters.
Although the aspect is a ‘benevolent’ trine, that does not mean it is soft or easy. It just means the energies don’t clash, but flow easily in a self-sustaining loop or even create a whirlpool. To make the best of this pattern, address the shadow side of each planet and examine what is really at the core. The courageous do not fight emotional depth, vulnerability, and authenticity in relationships.
Jupiter sextile Chiron
Jupiter in Gemini is relatively uninvolved in the major patterns of the chart. Its sextile with Chiron reminds us to expand our minds to view things from different angles instead of getting stuck with a set pattern of interpretation and response. It is the wound that teaches us compassion and wisdom.
Uranus trine Pluto,
Uranus sextile Neptune
Neptune sextile Pluto
This pattern has been active for a while now. It signifies a blueprint of the Zeitgeist, the current spirit of the times. Study the themes, and embrace transformation. We are in a liminal period. Our attitudes, speech and actions matter. They are shaping the future, now.
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