
Astrological Forecast for September 2024

Astrological Forecast for September 2024

Astrological Forecast, September 2024

September kicks off with Uranus beginning its annual retrograde period and Pluto slipping back into Capricorn for one last stint, setting the scene for revisiting unfinished business.
Use this period to assess the transformations of the Pluto-in-Capricorn Era. Some structures and institutions have weathered the storms despite the massive upheavals; others have crumbled.

In personal astrology, locate the house governed by Capricorn in your horoscope and any planets within it. Examine this aspect of life and clear out any baggage and debris. Don’t weigh yourself down with routines and obligations that no longer fulfil a proper purpose, nor get you closer to your goals.

September 1 – 3, 2024

September 2 sees a helpful alignment between Mercury and Chiron, benefiting health and healing issues. Jupiter, at the midpoint in Gemini, describes a vision of possibilities and a message of faith.

The New Moon in Virgo on September 3 opposes Saturn in Pisces and squares Jupiter in Gemini – an endurance test. Jupiter is committed to his visions, but they must be compatible with the laws of nature and our competence and capacity. Any mismatch means we must adapt and let go of time / energy-wasting activities or dial down our ambitions. Finding a suitable compromise is the challenge of this New Moon. Mars quincunxes Pluto, further emphasising this theme. Pushing forward as before might break us. Yet, deciding what to hold on to and what to set aside is hard. But, shelving is not the same as giving up. It is possible to postpone things to a later date.

Mars wants to do it all, but the square to Neptune can feel very draining. Self-care is a priority. If we neglect proper nutrition and don’t take care of our well-being we cannot help others without depleting our own inner resources.

September 4 – 6, 2024

On September 4, Venus is conjunct the South Node and conjunct Lilith, a cathartic moment in matters of the heart. Issues from the past may erupt with a strong sense of karma. While Venus wants harmony, Lilith demands authenticity. It’s a challenge to reconcile these conflicting drives, especially in the sign of Libra. Focus on love, not convention.

Also on September 4, Mars enters Cancer. Its natural activism can not be effective in this watery sign. In Cancer, Mars can be defensive, auto-aggressive, passive-aggressive, or emotionally insecure and clingy. But he can also champion protecting home and hearth, and turning nurture into a mission. Mars’ softer side expresses its emotional intelligence and active empathy.

September 7 – 12, 2024

On September 7, Mercury squares Uranus for the last time in the current series, which started in July, before Mercury went retrograde. On this transit, the issues that bubbled up around July 21 and resurfaced around August 18, are clearing their last hurdle. But unexpected twists and turns can still crop up before things completely resolve.

The Sun opposes Saturn on September 8, and both square Jupiter in Gemini. Saturn sets the boundary. Every being must obey the existential laws and limitations of our world.

Vitality may be at a low ebb. Yet, creativity can thrive when we push those limits and explore all possibilities within these confines. Jupiter is the guiding light, the principle of hope, faith, wisdom and fortune.

On September 9, Mercury enters Virgo, one of its domains. In Virgo, Mercury is well-organised and meticulous, but also fussy and quick to criticise. Its first aspect is a sextile with Mars on September 12, as part of a dissociated Yod with Pluto at the apex. Some lessons must be learnt, and they feel karmic, especially as the Sun now squares Jupiter.

September 13 – 17, 2024

When Venus trines Jupiter on September 15, things can fall into place easily, if we let go of control. The aspect promises a boon, but beware, it can also spell over-indulgence.

In the run-up to the Full Moon, Venus opposes Chiron, and Mars squares the nodes. In the geopolitical sphere, this aspect reminds us that peace is an active and dynamic process, not a static state. It can only be achieved when warring parties face each other with mutual respect and acknowledge their own part in the conflict. The wounds of injustices must be acknowledged.
Mars square to the nodes denotes a precarious time. A perceived threat to national security may prompt sabre-rattling or even pre-emptive action.

Full Moon Eclipse, September 18 – 20, 2024

The Full Moon in Pisces on September 18 heralds the eclipse season. The Moon is close to Neptune and the Full Moon axis squares Jupiter in Gemini. Meanwhile, Mercury opposes Saturn.
Eclipses mark significant turning points for those directly affected. A developing situation reaches its peak. The square to Jupiter highlights how misinformation, rumour-mongering and fear-based exaggeration can distort the factual truth. Keep the BS detector on constant alert.
By cutting through the layers of emotional overwhelm and automatic responses, we can gain deep insights.

The Saturn/Mercury opposition challenges us to keep a cool, solution-oriented mindset despite difficult-to-process emotional issues. The way through the chaos is to resist getting swamped in a wash of insecurity, fear and sheer emotionality. Saturn is the planet of boundaries. Mercury in Virgo may push Saturn on practical issues; a useful aspect for devising a strategy. Focus on the details. Without a plan, Saturn might sink into doom and gloom.

September 21 -30, 2024

Following the eclipse Full Moon, the Sun trines Uranus, promising a cornucopia of surprises.
On September 21, Mercury squares Jupiter, the Sun opposes Neptune just before entering Libra and Venus squares Pluto on September 22.
Hidden information may be brought to light. Some of it may be hard to face. A challenging period; emotions are intense, contradictory, and confusing.

On September 23, Venus enters Scorpio, turning up the sizzle. But the kite formation still dominates: Mercury and the Sun oppose Neptune (D), at the apex of the trine between Pluto and Uranus. Neptune in the last degree of Pisces, Pluto’s transition mode, and the trine to Uranus all denote a major but gradual shift in the flavour of the times. It will take some months to develop fully. This is a liminal period. In a slow process, inner and outer transitions blend, punctuated by punchy events. Mercury sets the pace as it exacts the aspects in succession: a trine with Uranus on September 24, an opposition to Neptune on September 25, and a trine with Pluto on September 26, before changing signs and entering Libra, also on September 26. Mercury conjuncts the nodal axis on September 29.
One of Mercury’s roles is that of the psychopomp who guides the souls of the dead through the underworld. In this configuration, Mercury also guides the human spirit through the uncertainties and trepidations of this liminal period.

On September 29, the Sun conjuncts the north node, and finally, on September 30, it conjuncts Mercury for a grand finale of the theme. Meanwhile, Mars in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces. The energy flows easily if we let it, instead of trying to push the river uphill.





Kat Morgenstern

About Kat Morgenstern (AstroCat)

I am an astrologer, life coach, and counselor, writer, thinker, and eco-therapist. Astrology can show us not only where our unique talents lie and how we might best use them. I believe that self-knowledge is the key to fulfilling your life's dreams. I am passionate about helping people to find their unique way through difficult phases of their lives. 

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