New Moon in Cancer – Again!
This New Moon is special: it is the second New Moon in Cancer. This offers a unique time window and an opportunity for real change.
This New Moon is special: it is the second New Moon in Cancer. This offers a unique time window and an opportunity for real change.
This Full Moon in Capricorn comes as another penumbral eclipse. The Moon joins the mega conjunction of Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter by midnight, highlighting all the issues that are brewing under that umbrella at present.
Almost the minute Sun moves into Cancer it joins the Moon, coming together at the Solstice and forming an (annual) eclipse – that is a pretty powerful astrological statement for things coming to a head.
The penumbral eclipse on June 5, 2020 sets the table for the developments that are unfolding in the stars this month. It is going to be quite a ride!
We have now entered the annual period of retrogradation:
Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto have all turned retrograde, while Neptune will follow in June, and last, but not least, Uranus will be going retrograde in August. While the slow-moving planets do this every year, and Mercury does it three times a year, Venus and Mars do so much less frequently. But this year, even they are going retrograde. Venus went retro last week (May 13) and Mars will go retro in September.
This Full Moon in Scorpio is often the most joyous and exuberant Full Moon of the year. The Sun is gaining strength yet it is still youthful and gentle, and far from its scorching peak. The plant and animal kingdoms are in full exuberant swing. Mating, nest making, buzzing bees, and butterflies courting flowers galore – lush is the keyword of the season.