Aries Recipe – Pico de Gallo

Aries Recipe – Pico de Gallo

A grill out or camp fire cuisine is Aries idea of culinary fun. He likes a bit of a sizzle! And he can never resist a dare. What could be more daring than a chilli challenge? This hot sauce is smoking!

Mercury enters Aries

Mercury enters Aries

After this long period of drifting through Pisces, it is a relief to see Mercury change signs and move on. In Aries, Mercury is a lot more focused and decisive. The sense of limbo should soon dissipate.

Venus moves into Aries

Venus moves into Aries

What is the archetypal energy of Venus in Aries? While seemingly incompatible, Venus in Aries is an Amazon, a fierce and fearless warrioress, a power woman.