New Moon in Scorpio, November 1, 2024
New Moon in Scorpio, November 1, 2024 12:46 GMT
This New Moon in Scorpio is full of intensity and transformative potential.
The aspect patterns are strong, despite the Sun and Moon not making any direct aspects except for a trine with Saturn in Pisces. Let that be an anchor of stability, against a backdrop of mayhem.
The central feature of the chart is a grand trine in water, which brings emotions to the forefront, but it can also signify actual water. There was a Grand Trine in Fire when the Notre Dame Cathedral burnt down. With all this water, emotions, sentiments, passions, positive or negative, take centre stage. Reason and logic, or even pragmatism, are in short supply.
The grand trine is at the heart of two kite formations: the stronger one features a tight Pluto/ Mars opposition as the spine, with Mercury in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces in the sextile/trine positions. The apex points are Pluto and Uranus, respectively.
Both trigger points are transpersonal and super-charged.
Grand Trines can be about avoidance – there is no inner drive to overcome a conflict. But kites are modified grand trines. The opposition (apex) point that is not part of the grand trine functions as a trigger that prompts the grand trine to act out the potential.
Both kites suggest a possibility of ideologically motivated rebellion and even potential violence. This is a highly volatile time. The Moon is not involved in these patterns, so they will persist for some days.
Sun conjunct Moon in Scorpio
Sun/Moon Trine Saturn in Pisces
The New Moon in Scorpio is not directly involved in these volatile aspect patterns. Their primary connection is a trine to Saturn in Pisces, suggesting a sense of faith and selfless sacrifice. Saturn in Pisces is the image of a rock in the ocean, but one modified by the relentless motion of the sea. Erosion is a natural process.
Wisdom is not an exact science, but the result of distilled life experience.
2 Kites
Pluto in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer
Pluto in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
Pluto in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Scorpio
Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces
Mars in Cancer trine Mercury in Scorpio
In this kite, Pluto is at the apex position. It is in the last degree of Capricorn and just about to re-enter Aquarius, this time for good. A major shift of energy is on the horizon. Thus, it is doubly significant that Pluto is involved at this critical moment. Furthermore, it is opposite Mars in Cancer, a highly reactive and defensive aspect pattern. Mars in Cancer is touchy and can be vengeful. There is a lot of tension in this opposition, which has the potential for violence. The pressure valves are Mercury in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces.
Both Mercury in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces are also involved in the second kite, making them doubly significant. Mercury may channel the tension verbally, but its opposition to Uranus in the second kite suggests a highly aggravating or provocative influence.
Overall, these double kite formations are emotionally charged and volatile, disruptive and potentially dangerous, especially when considered in a mundane, geopolitical context.
On a personal level, these patterns signify the potential for transformation and change, although not without struggle. We have to overcome complacency and inertia, stop blaming others, and actually change the structures and routines that keep us stuck. This may upset others, who may resist or sabotage our inner process.
Venus square retrograde Saturn and opposite retrograde Jupiter
Jupiter in Gemini describes a dualistic complexity. Venus in opposition denotes wishful thinking.
The square between Venus and Saturn, reins in those expectations, but we may resent Saturn’s austerity. Yet, if we manage to navigate these different poles, we benefit from a more sincere and mature level of commitment, informed by our values.
Finally, Jupiter in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries
Venus trine Chiron
Both Jupiter and Venus receive aspects from Chiron. This presents a real opportunity to heal identity wounds. Identity is a construct based on inner and outer attributes with which we choose to identify, or that others project on us. A wounded identity occurs, when there is stigma or shame, when we can not accept what others project onto us, or when others refuse to validate who we feel we are at our core. It may seem trivial, but these wounds can cause a lot of psychological and social problems. This is particularly troublesome if the identity is bound to an ideology that comes with a whole behavioural code. These aspects allow us to heal the conflict by accepting diversity.
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