
New Moon in Sagittarius, December 12, 2023

New Moon in Sagittarius, December 12, 2023

New Moon in Sagittarius, December 12, 2023, 23:31 GMT

After the grand push in November, things have calmed down considerably. The air has cleared, and we are in a regrouping phase.

New Moon trine North Node, sextiles South Node

The trine between the New Moon and the North Node signifies an optimistic and energetic mood. The horizon expands with possibility, despite it being too soon to pursue them. But, there is a reason for cautious optimism. If we embrace learning from the past, we can shape the future.


New Moon quincunx Uranus

On a personal level, economic instability is affecting many, forcing difficult choices. What is most important now? Continuing with business as usual will create havoc down the road. Sustainable and preservative strategies have the best chance of success.

In the social sphere, the quincunx between the New Moon and Uranus highlights the conflict between economic interests and the need to adopt a more ambitious, sustainable, if unconventional policy. Refusing to change will ultimately rock the boat more than making adaptive changes now.

Mercury sextile Venus
Venus opposite Jupiter
Mercury trine Jupiter

Mercury is stationary and about to turn retrograde. Jupiter stays retrograde until the end of the month. The energy flow is erratic. Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn can get bogged down with the to-do list. Venus, opposite retrograde Jupiter in Taurus, prefers to escape and indulge. At this time of the year, it is easy to throw caution to the wind and spend, no questions asked. We know we shouldn’t, but we do it anyway. We convince ourselves that a little treat or cute gimmick won’t break the bank and won’t make much difference to the bank account. Beware, the bill arrives in January.

In global affairs, nations cherish different values, making it challenging to agree on a common cause. Individual agendas derail the bigger vision. Fear of economic consequences keeps decision-makers from taking bold action and making a leap of faith. However, there is a faint glimpse of hope if we push for our highest common goals and refuse to succumb to inertia.

Kat Morgenstern

About Kat Morgenstern (AstroCat)

I am an astrologer, life coach, and counselor, writer, thinker, and eco-therapist. Astrology can show us not only where our unique talents lie and how we might best use them. I believe that self-knowledge is the key to fulfilling your life's dreams. I am passionate about helping people to find their unique way through difficult phases of their lives. 

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