New Moon in Gemini- May 22-2020

New Moon in Gemini- May 22-2020

We have now entered the annual period of retrogradation:

Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto have all turned retrograde, while Neptune will follow in June, and last, but not least, Uranus will be going retrograde in August. While the slow-moving planets do this every year, and Mercury does it three times a year, Venus and Mars do so much less frequently. But this year, even they are going retrograde. Venus went retro last week (May 13) and Mars will go retro in September.

Reading the Signs of the Times: Monthly Astrology Overview August 2020

The Month Ahead: April 2020

What a different world we find ourselves in at the beginning of this month! The concentration of planets that congregated in Capricorn in March, sextiling Neptune, and the New Moon focus on Chiron seem to sum up our global situation quite well.