
Full Moon in Aquarius, August 19, 2024

Full Moon in Aquarius, August 19, 2024

August 19, 2024, Full Moon in Aquarius 18:25 GMT

On this Full Moon in Aquarius, the energies of the previous New Moon have significantly intensified. Two T-squares are squaring off, and retrograde Mercury is closely conjunct with the Sun and embroiled in one of those T-squares: opposing the Moon and squaring Uranus in Taurus.

The other T-square involves the opposition between Venus in Virgo and retrograde Saturn in Pisces, who are both squaring Jupiter and Mars in Gemini.


Sun opposite Moon
Sun conjunct Mercury
Sun, Mercury, Moon square Uranus

This Full Moon, with its squares to Uranus in Taurus, and reinforced by the Sun’s conjunction with retrograde Mercury, is highly charged and volatile. Patience is in short supply. Mercury retrograde plays his usual tricks, delaying and hiding things, causing frustrations and irritations. Don’t take chances. Practice mindfulness and don’t get carried away in the maelstrom of events and emotions. Make sure your paperwork is in order – T’s crossed, and I’s dotted. Countless things could cause delays – from summer strikes to unpredictable weather, or other unexpected mishaps. Avoid travel if you can.


Venus opposite Saturn, square Mars and Jupiter

Mars is just separating from its conjunction with Jupiter, but he is still pumped. Venus in Virgo challenges them by square, picking holes into their bravado and pointing out their shortcomings. Venus opposes retrograde Saturn. There is a sense of emotional detachment and disconnection. The human price for that Jupiter/Mars campaign may be high and cannot be reduced to political collateral. This configuration signifies we must take responsibility for our choices and actions. Big promises are empty talk unless followed by action. It’s time to walk the talk.

On a personal level, this aspect pattern reminds us to be careful with our thoughts and speech. Words can heal or hurt. They have real-life consequences, and chances are, we will be held accountable.


Sun quincunx Neptune, square Uranus
Moon semi-sextile Neptune, square Uranus
Uranus sextile Neptune
Pluto sextile Neptune

In this configuration, Neptune is the focal point between Pluto and Uranus. All three are transpersonal planets, the voices of the Zeitgeist. Neptune is in the last degree of Pisces and retrograde. The quincunx from the Sun and semi-sextile from the Moon to Neptune suggest an angle of approach to tackle this constellation. But it is not an easy one to integrate. Neptunian dreams can be fantastic, nightmarish, or delusional. We are the creators of our visions, hopes, and fears. Neptune has great potential for creativity, but it is also prone to fraud, deception, and lies. In the social sphere, it can be exploited for political manipulation and control. New social movements may champion ideological causes, but can they be trusted?


Jupiter sesquiquadrate Pluto
Saturn semi-square Pluto
Uranus trine Pluto
Neptune sextile Pluto

This bundle of Pluto aspects challenges the status quo. It brings to light destabilising or subterranean issues – things we’d rather not talk about. Reforms are a necessary part of the social process, but whether they are an improvement is a matter of perspective. 


Mercury (Sun) in Leo trine Chiron in Aries
Moon sextile Chiron,

These aspects are the redeeming features of this challenging Full Moon. The aspects suggest a chance for redemption through open communication. The healing process pivots around a healing crisis. How we deal with that crisis determines the trajectory of the process.
Resilience is an adaptive coping strategy. Sometimes, the best way forward is full throttle.

Kat Morgenstern

About Kat Morgenstern (AstroCat)

I am an astrologer, life coach, and counselor, writer, thinker, and eco-therapist. Astrology can show us not only where our unique talents lie and how we might best use them. I believe that self-knowledge is the key to fulfilling your life's dreams. I am passionate about helping people to find their unique way through difficult phases of their lives. 

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