Eclipse New Moon in Libra, October 2, 2024

Eclipse New Moon in Libra, October 2, 2024

Eclipse New Moon in Libra, October 2, 2024, 18:46 GMT The Eclipse New Moon on October 2, 2024, brims with intensity. Unusually, the New Moon is conjunct the South Node. This eclipse is about the liminal time/space between an ending and a new beginning. Eclipses are...
Astrological Forecast for August 2024

Astrological Forecast for August 2024

August 2024 – Turbulent times August debuts with mounting intensity. The Sun, at 9° Leo, trines/ sextiles the nodal axis, focusing on leadership themes. Venus, also in Leo, squares Uranus on August 2. A fresh wind, defiant, charismatic and confident, is raising...