
Astrological Forecast for November 2024

Astrological Forecast for November 2024

Astrological Forecast for November 2024

The Moon enters Scorpio on October 31 and joins the Sun on November 1st for the super intense Scorpio New Moon.

A kite, centred on a Uranus/Mercury opposition flanked by Mars and Neptune, sails across the chart. Water signs dominate.

But, the most glaring aspect is the Pluto/ Mars opposition, which will loom large over the beginning of November. This all-or-nothing aspect can be brutal, ruthless, and uncompromising. It, too, forms the axis of a kite, with Mercury and Neptune as the diffusing flanks.

An opposition between Jupiter in Gemini and Venus in Sagittarius seems softer, but no less driven. They just have different styles. Instead of menacing threats, they lure with promises.

The beginning of November feels extremely volatile and the tension could go off in any direction.


The Moon sets accents on the different planetary players as it moves through the signs.

The main planets all hover on the cusp in the last degree of their respective signs – a transition time full of uncertainty.


‘The unknownoften sparks fear and anxiety and can trigger a reflex to grasp for anything solid and dependable to hold on to, even as the course is set for change. Rely on your inner resources and creativity to deal with this uncertainty. There is great potential in this liminal space. It offers an opportunity for transformation. But that does not mean there are no dangers. Uncertainty, and the anxiety it produces, are always fraught with danger. Just don’t rely on astrong manto bring about stability. He won’t. Strong men rarely have a nuanced understanding of complex issues. They see the world in black and white and think they can fix things by putting their foot down. Tyranny is not the answer.


November 1, 2024

New Moon in Scorpio
Mercury trine Neptune


The New Moon only casts a trine to Saturn, but Venus opposes Jupiter, drawing the New Moon’s energy into the underlying dynamics. The New Moon in Scorpio is about letting go. It is a good time to clear out the cupboard and focus on the promises of the future, regarding our personal lives, and the public sphere. Believe that it is possible and take action towards it.

Jupiter also sextiles Chiron – an opportunity for healing.

Mercury trines Neptune and Mars, although a few degrees ahead, is also part of this grand trine. It is quite an emotional soup, a mix of scheming, blame, secret plots and exaggeration. The Mars/Pluto opposition is also fully active on the 1st of the month – a menacing aspect that hangs over us like a Damocles sword.


November 2, 2024

Jupiter sextile Chiron
Mercury trine Mars
Mercury sextile Pluto
Mercury enters Sagittarius


Nothing much has changed, except Mercury’s trine with Mars and sextile with Pluto become exact, dialling up the rhetoric, just as Mercury changes signs.

Sagittarius is a fiery and passionate sign, with a talent for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and ruffling feathers.


November 3, 2024

Mars opposite Pluto
Venus opposite Jupiter
Venus trine Chiron

The Mars/Pluto opposition has been active for a while but now turns exact on the same day as the Venus/Jupiter opposition. Expect peak intensity. Venus’ trine with Chiron and Jupiter’s sextile offers an olive branch of healing, but to activate it, we first need to acknowledge the wound.


November 4, 2024

Mars enters Leo
Sun sesquiquadrate Neptune
Sun trine Saturn

On November 4th, Mars enters Leo, cranking up the heat even more. The Sun, strengthened by a trine with Saturn, challenges Neptune’s ploys.


November 5, 2024

There are no major aspects today, but the Moon moves into Capricorn, the sign of political offices and institutions – fitting, for this decisive day. The Mars/Pluto opposition is still active, but Mars in Leo is dissociated, making the aspect even more menacing. Leo signifies power and authority, and Mars is a warrior!


November 6, 2024

The Pluto/Mars opposition still dominates, while Mercury forms a sesquiquadrate with Chiron, perhaps reopening old wounds. Several wider trines and sextiles hang in the background. Whether they can buffer the impact of Pluto and Mars remains to be seen.


November 7, 2024

Mercury trine North Node
Moon conjunct Pluto
Moon into Aquarius

The Moon joins Pluto in Capricorn, infusing the opposition to Mars with emotional energy. Moreover, Mercury trines the North Node in Aries, showing the direction in which we are headed.


November 8, 2024

Moon opposite Mars
Venus quincunx Uranus

After all the high drama and excitement, we now enter more complicated territory. Venus quincunxes Uranus, perhaps triggering unforeseen consequences, as we have to make an impossible choice.


November 9, 2024

Venus square Neptune

Not all that glitters is gold, no matter how badly we want to believe otherwise. Neptune square Venus brings up themes of idealisation, wishful thinking, disappointment, and escapism. Be careful when using retail therapy as a solution to dealing with heartache. Avoid feel-good but risky financial decisions.


November 10, 2024

Only lunar aspects, Moon into Pisces

Although there are no exact aspects today, a Yod between Chiron and Jupiter with the Sun at the apex, begins to take shape. Leadership is required, but bringing two entirely disparate interests under one hat is a difficult job. But it offers an opportunity to reinvent ourselves if we manage the challenge successfully.

November 11, 2024

Sun quincunx Jupiter
Venus semi-sextile Pluto
Venus enters Capricorn
Sun quincunx Chiron


The Yod becomes exact today as Venus semi-sextiles Pluto on the brink of changing signs. Venus aids the process of change, injecting the question of values as a defining question of identity. In Capricorn, Venus is highly concerned with status and respect for public image.


November 12, 2024

Mercury square Saturn
Sun sesquiquadrate North Node


Today’s aspects further underline the quest of the Yod. They depict an inner conflict concerning transparency and accountability. Actions speak louder than words. Our intentions and aspirations may be high, but they must stand up to scrutiny. In personal astrology, the aspects manifest as an inner conflict between the shoulds and wants – what we think we ought to do or say and our true inner motivations.


November 13, 2024

 Venus quincunx Mars
Moon is in Aries

The pattern mentioned on November 12 is still playing out. The personal planets, Mars and Venus echo the same basic issues. We may feel torn between maintaining the status quo and confronting inner or outer misalignments more directly. Since both Mars and the Moon are in fire signs, we are more likely to tackle issues confrontationally than by biting our tongues to put up a veneer of peace.

November 14, 2024

Moon enters Taurus
Venus quincunx Mars
Mercury semi-square Pluto


Added to the developing pattern is the tension of Mercury forming a semi-square with Pluto, sowing mistrust, and prompting closer scrutiny and investigation. The patterns evolve in the run-up to the Full Moon with mounting tensions in the background.


November 15, 2024

Full Moon in Taurus
Moon conjunct Uranus
Saturn Direct

The most salient feature of the Full Moon is its proximity to Uranus, adding more uncertainty, surprise chaos and unrest to the already complicated scenario. But Saturn turns direct today, urging us to consider the most pressing issues and how to handle them diligently.

Amidst the general chaos, it may be hard to hear the voice of reason and restraint. Keep calm and carry on, focus on long-term goals and avoid getting embroiled in the emotional turmoil.

November 16, 2024

Moon into Sagittarius
Venus square North Node

It’s time to set aside frivolous pursuits and focus on the soul work that is our destiny. We have to move out of our comfort zone to engage with our personal quest for meaning and purpose. The Moon in Sagittarius is ready to heed the call for adventure and aims high.


November 17, 2024

Sun opposite Uranus
Mars semi-square Jupiter

The Sun completes its opposition to Uranus that was initiated at the Full Moon, suggesting a clash with authorities over individual freedom and self-expression

On a personal level, we may feel an urge to break free from constraints, or a desire to reinvent ourselves. The energy is highly volatile, fuelled by the Mars/Jupiter semi-square. Although not a major aspect, it signifies impatience, impulsivity, and daring. Beware of get-rich-quick schemes. Under this influence, we may be tempted to take impulsive risks.


September 18, 2024

Mercury opposite Jupiter
Mercury sesquiquadrate Mars

Yesterday’s aspects are intensified by today’s. Mercury opposite Jupiter has big ideas, but may not be so clear on the details. Ambitious visions are great, but deliverability is the key. At the same time, there is an urgency to act, whether we are ready or not. Take a deep breath and take a moment to gain a greater perspective before making any decisions.


November 19, 2024

Sun trine Neptune
Mercury trine Chiron
Pluto enters Aquarius for good

A real turning point. Pluto finally leaves Capricorn and transitions into Aquarius, bringing in a whole new era. Despite this shift, a stabilizing influence is coming in. The Sun trine Neptune signifies a spiritual understanding, compassion and forgiveness, while Mercury trine Chiron is an opportunity to heal.


November 20, 2024

Venus sesquiquadrate Uranus

Today is a highly trigger-sensitive day. Emotions are on edge and can quickly blow out of proportion. There may be regrets and frustrations concerning the past. Don’t let your overreactions to past events upend the future.


November 21, 2024

Sun enters Sagittarius
Sun sextile Pluto

As soon as the Sun enters Sagittarius, it sextiles Pluto. We turn a page and open the doors to new possibilities.

November 22, 2024

Venus sextile Saturn

The trend continues with Venus sextiling Saturn, implying since. A desire for stability and a mature sense of commitment grounds our relationships. On a social level, this aspect indicates respect for traditions and the elderly and strengthens the bonds of trans-generational relationships. It can also signify a renewed commitment to our values and a realistic sense of self-worth. 

November 23, 2024

Mars boosts our determination to pursue our life goals and pushes us towards bold action. Perfection isn’t the point. Doing it, is. 


November 24 and 25, 2024

No major new aspects for the next couple of days, but those of the previous days still resonate.


November 26, 2024

Mercury turns retrograde
Sun sesquiquadrate Chiron
Venus quincunx Jupiter
Sun trine North Node

 Today’s aspects add more complexity to the emerging patterns, but it seems more like growing pains than actual roadblocks. Mercury turns retrograde, bringing a period of introspection and catching up. Of course, there are also the delays and complications in matters of communication, transport and technology that we expect from retrograde Mercury, but if you let them, things may just fall into place. A possible manifestation of Venus quincunx Jupiter is shiny object syndrome, or biting off more than we can chew. We might have to make adjustments to bring our values and goals in line. The Sun’s sesquiquadrate with Chiron indicates a vulnerability surrounding self-worth. Perhaps we tried to achieve more than we are currently capable of. Not reaching a goal or getting rejected can hurt, but it is not the end of the road. Try again. The Sun trines the North Node, suggesting a firm commitment to pursuing our destiny. Get behind it, no matter what it takes. 

November 27, 2024

Sun trine Mars

If you have worked through yesterday’s issues you now feel confident to take bold action towards your goals. 


November 28, 2024

Venus square Chiron

This aspect can be embarrassing or shameful. Especially given that it comes on the back of Mars trine Sun. Perhaps we were a bit too confident and didn’t hit the mark. It has a ring of impostor syndrome and self-doubt. Don’t fret. It’s normal. And it will pass if you keep trying your best. Don’t get stuck on an exaggerated ideal or expectation. Let go of all that.


November 29, 2024

Mercury semi-sextile Venus

Changing our mind changes the way we see and experience things. Mercury is the agent of change.


November 30

Mercury sesquiquadrate Mars

 The last day of the month brings a little friction again. Perhaps a frustrating Mercury retro incident presses your buttons. Mindfulness and acceptance can go a long way to make such incidents more tolerable.


Kat Morgenstern

About Kat Morgenstern (AstroCat)

I am an astrologer, life coach, and counselor, writer, thinker, and eco-therapist. Astrology can show us not only where our unique talents lie and how we might best use them. I believe that self-knowledge is the key to fulfilling your life's dreams. I am passionate about helping people to find their unique way through difficult phases of their lives. 

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