
Full Moon in Gemini, December 15, 2024

Full Moon in Gemini, December 15, 2024

Full Moon in Gemini, December 15, 2024, 9:01 GMT

Sun in Sagittarius opposite Moon and Jupiter in Gemini
(Moon conjunct Jupiter retrograde wide)
Square Neptune in Pisces

The T-square formed between the Full Moon axis, retrograde Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, is of key significance in this horoscope. In mundane astrology, the Sagittarius/ Gemini axis is about world-view and the philosophical constructs we use to explain the world, vs. the abstraction of knowledge, fragmented specialisation, or simplification of complex interrelationships. We need both facts and philosophy to integrate our understanding into coherent, meaningful concepts.

Here we have the Sun in Sagittarius, a creative and freedom-loving sign, yet it advocates for morality and law. Sagittarius rules judicial systems, but abstract laws of nature also help us understand the world in broad-brush concepts.

Gemini, especially with the Moon and Jupiter there, is more about the common mind and the stories we make up. It can represent trivial knowledge, gossip, or the gutter press, less concerned with truth than a simple-to-understand, common story. This axis squares Neptune in Pisces, which, at its highest level, can signify artistic inspiration or religious epiphany. But in its lesser expression, it represents lies, deceit, denial and delusion. Neptune is the focal point of the chart, afflicting Jupiter and the Moon and Sun. It appears to muddy and dilute the facts to manipulate the central story, or literally, leak data. Beware of fake news and data security breaches.

In personal astrology, this planetary combination can be felt as unease or restlessness. Something is nagging at the spirit. Gossip or snooping can create unease in intimate relationships and sow the seeds of mistrust.

Sun in Sagittarius quincunx Uranus retrograde in Taurus
Moon in Gemini semi-sextile Uranus retrograde in Taurus

In mundane astrology, this configuration can manifest as social unrest, especially if the economic factors are shaking up the markets. The ground is shifting. What once seemed like a solid fixture can be overthrown.

In personal astrology, we may have to adapt to sudden changes we had not foreseen. Factor X can upset our normal routines. 

Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

The square between Jupiter and Saturn is still active, as it has been for much of the second half of this year. This aspect signifies a reckoning with the past or a need to modify expectations for the future. Jupiter is expansive, Saturn is restrictive, but the square demands action, even if these two forces are at odds. We may need to dial down our big ideas and do some pruning. We can do anything we want, but not everything. Choose wisely. The important thing to ask is not just whether we are on schedule and following procedure according to plan A, but also, does that plan still make sense? Is it still in alignment with our values and greater goals? Sometimes we build systems and structures intended to facilitate our growth, but later they make us feel trapped. These are the issues we need to face. There is nothing wrong with adjusting plans to reflect current needs and goals. Don’t give up, but choose wisely.

Venus in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (wide)
Opposite Mars in Leo retrograde
Mercury in Sagittarius trine Mars retrograde in Leo

The other major aspect pattern is the Venus-Pluto conjunction in Aquarius. It is still a tad wide but pulled together by opposing retrograde Mars in Leo.

Venus is often characterised as lazy, passive, or concerned with superficial things, but that does not do her justice. She is a powerful goddess of love, beauty, aesthetics and the arts. And these qualities are anything but superficial. Venus in Aquarius is concerned with social justice, fairness, and liberty. It highlights women’s issues and may express anger at the patriarchal power structures. It could also be the seed of an artistic revolution in the face of oppression or neglect.

On a personal level, this configuration could represent a deep anger over needs that have not been met. The frustration may have been seething underneath the surface. Venus in Aquarius may use emotional distance and coldness to protect herself from deep feelings and pain. Mars in Leo, retrograde, may react to what it perceives as rejection. Leo does not like to be ignored! The issue needs to be aired. Mercury in Sagittarius is the valve. It trines Mars and sextiles Venus and Pluto. Emotional pain demands to be recognised and acknowledged. Watch for the trigger points that are rooted in the past. We often blame our anger and hurt on the current behaviour of others, but these feelings are ours, and it is up to us to overcome them, emotionally challenging as it may be. Don’t let negative experiences of the past control you emotionally in the here and now.

Sun semi-square Venus
Moon sesquiquadrate Venus

The Sun and Moon also form minor aspects with Venus, highlighting friction and disharmony. Differing social values can cause considerable unease. Navigating such social rifts or differences in taste and preferences is the challenge of this season.

Moon and Jupiter retrograde in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries

The Moon and retrograde Jupiter offer a solution. Reflection and reframing may help to widen our perspective and forge a compromise.

Grand trine Mercury in Sagittarius trine Mars in Leo retro trine North Node in Aries

Although not a true grand trine, both Mars and Mercury form trines with the north node in Aries, reinforcing the opportunity to redefine and assert our sense of identity and align it with our goals or destiny. Taking time out to become conscious of our essential nature and how to follow words with action is an important step towards self-actualisation.

Sun in Sagittarius trine Chiron retrograde in Aries
Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron retrograde in Aries

These aspects between the lights and Chiron show the healing potential in this chart, providing we are willing to explore the deeper meaning, reframe the story, and integrate the parts we rejected. 

Kat Morgenstern

About Kat Morgenstern (AstroCat)

I am an astrologer, life coach, and counselor, writer, thinker, and eco-therapist. Astrology can show us not only where our unique talents lie and how we might best use them. I believe that self-knowledge is the key to fulfilling your life's dreams. I am passionate about helping people to find their unique way through difficult phases of their lives. 

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