Welcome to the astrological forecast for June 2021!
The first three weeks of June are under the light of the ‘Gemini-sun’. This is usually a busy social time. The term is almost over and everybody is making plans for parties, get-togethers, vacations, and what-not.
As spring turns to summer, we also spend more times outdoors. And never have we been more ready for it than this year!
Corona, still lurking, seems to be subsiding in many parts of the world – but not everywhere, and that is a problem for all of us. Still, confidence is rising as more people are getting vaccinated – tempting some to become careless.
June 1 – 4, 2021
Alas, June starts a little jarring. It does not look like an easy time ahead. Mercury has just gone retrograde and will stay that way until June 22. New variants cause confusion and uncertainty. Changing rules and travel regulations make it difficult to make plans. Communications are strained.
On June 1, the Sun passes the North Node (the last Full Moon was an Eclipse!). The eclipse energy has culminated and is beginning to subside. If the eclipse touched any significant angles or planets in your chart, you may have experienced it as a pivotal point. Perhaps you reached an important conclusion or sowed the star-seeds for a new adventure.
At the beginning of June, Venus casts a sesquiquadrate to Saturn (that’s a square and a half!) and the Sun forms the same aspect with Pluto. This is not exactly comforting. An important relationship (in the political sphere, perhaps a diplomatic relationship) may turn rather frosty.
On June 2, Venus enters emotional Cancer, although she rushes through this watery sign at breakneck speed. In Cancer, Venus can be quite sensitive, emotional, and deflective. Moods will be changeable, and towards the latter parts of the transit, even quite turbulent.
The Sun trines Saturn, while Venus trines Jupiter on June 3. Taking a rational approach may be the best and most constructive way forward. Keep a solution-focused mindset, rather than allowing yourself to wallow in your problems.
June 5 – 10, 2021
June 5 marks the beginning of the ‘hot phase’ of this month. Mercury squares Neptune, which is likely to bring frustrations, especially concerning travel and paperwork. It may also indicate a potential scandal or major conundrum. Perhaps something that has been swept under the table previously is coming to the surface, or there is an attempt to undermine or twist the truth. It is hard to know what to believe.
On the same day, Mars is opposite Pluto, and the Moon squares them both from Aries. This is an extremely volatile configuration. It has an ominous vibe that could spell (possibly violent) trouble. Try to keep your cool.
June 11 – 20, 2021
The New Moon in Gemini on June 11 is conjunct retrograde Mercury and the Sun is eclipsed. As if that wasn’t enough, the Sun, Moon and Mercury are also squaring Neptune (although not exact). It does not look as though much light will be shed on any murky matters.
Spiritually, this may be a good time to confront illusions and self-deception. It may be painful, but can also be freeing to face things the way they are, rather than clinging to notions of how we want them to be.
On the same day, Mars moves into Leo, a fire sign that is a lot more akin to its nature than touchy Cancer. In Leo, Mars can be gallant, but also just a tad self-centred and boastful. Overinflated egos are likely to dominate the stage, which could lead to trouble on June 13 when the Sun squares Neptune and on June 14 when Saturn squares Uranus (the second pass). The Saturn/Uranus square is the dominant feature of the year. Its energy is highly volatile and can erupt quite suddenly. While it is most likely to manifest in the social sphere, it may also show up as a disruptive natural disaster – or a man-made technological incident. The transit pattern remains a strong feature until the end of December, and likely, into the early part of next year.
The following week is full of awkwardness, with quincunxes, semi-squares and sesquiquadrates galore. On June 18, the Sun forms a semi-square with Uranus, and Jupiter turns retrograde on June 20. We may scale back some grand ideas that Jupiter in Pisces had been fantasizing about.
June 21 – 26, 2021
The Sun enters Cancer on June 21, just as Venus trines Neptune. The water element is now dominant. The emotional dimension comes to the forefront, but there is a bit of an undercurrent: a nostalgia for the way things used to be (always better, of course) and the danger of getting caught up in manipulative games.
At last, Mercury turns direct again on June 22, although it will take a while before he begins to gather speed. On June 23 the Sun trines Jupiter – which may sound amazing, but unfortunately, Venus is opposite Pluto on that day, changing the quality of time. If there is any kind of deal or agreement, chances are one of the parties is not very willing, and the price may be high. This aura will still be hanging around for the Full Moon, on June 24. To make things even more complicated, Mars is forming a sesquiquadrate with Neptune. This feels like intrigue, back-stabbing or blackmail. And, as if on cue, Neptune turns retrograde on June 25 (until December 1, 2021), which won’t be helping matters much.
June 27 – 30, 2021
At least, on June 27, Venus glamorously strides into Leo. Everyone rejoices but Artists and creatives, in particular, are likely to benefit from this lift in creative energy.
June peters out with a series of quirky minor aspects, but that does not mean July will be boring. There is sure to be more excitement on the way.