Happy New Year, Everybody!
After a roller-coaster couple of months, how will January shape up?
Well, surprise, surprise, much in the same vein, it seems. It does not look as though things are going to get boring any time soon.
January starts off a little dreamy, with Mercury sextiling Neptune. It is a good time to conjure up your aspirations and to dream about what the future may hold. The Moon will be in Leo, so make the most of that creative energy. The first few days of January offer a welcome breathing-space after all the drama of recent months. Take a deep breath and get ready – January won’t stay this quiet for long.
On January 5, Mercury is conjunct Pluto, an aspect that spells intrigue, manipulation, and power play, especially as it draws in the square to Mars in the last degrees of Aries together with its squares to the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. It suggests a power struggle marked by verbal abuse and manipulation. Not exactly the fine art of diplomacy.
On January 6, Mars finally changes signs after having spent 6 months in Aries! It is now entering Taurus, an earth sign that is more practically minded and less combative. In this sign, Mars wants to get sh*t done rather than just throw a tantrum about it, or drawing the battle-ax. Taurus is pragmatic rather than flamboyant.
Two days later, on January 8, Mercury enters Aquarius, an idealistic sign concerned with social issues. However, Mercury here deals with such issues in a detached and somewhat abstract way. On the very same day, Venus also changes signs, entering Capricorn. In this sign, Venus stands for social etiquette and formal correctness. It can feel a bit cold and calculating as Venus in this sign works towards some other ulterior goals. Think of it as the frozen smile of diplomacy.
Also on January 8, the Sun sextiles Neptune which implies goodwill, but it is based on wishful thinking. There are possibilities, but they would require more than lip-service to become actualized.
On January 9, Mercury squares Mars, the first in a series of challenging Mercury aspects that indicate a row that will be heating up over the course of the next few days. On the same day, Venus trines Mars, which might soften the blow initially. But on January 10, Mercury conjuncts Saturn, and Jupiter on January 11 which promises a lively debate, between these respective camps. Finally, on January 12, Mercury squares Uranus, which signifies an unexpected turn of events, or a sudden, perhaps uncomfortable realization. It could also mean a kind of chaotic splintering of opinions that makes it impossible to come to a unified conclusion. There are many possibilities of how this may turn out, but chances are it will be a bit of an uproar.
The New Moon in Capricorn on January 13, rather ominously highlights Pluto, with which it is conjunct. Pluto signifies transformation but in an existential sort of way. The New Moon also puts a spotlight on a difficult Mars/Saturn and Jupiter/Uranus square, so chances are, this is not going to be light and breezy. More about that a bit nearer the time, in the New Moon post.
The Sun conjuncts Pluto exactly, on January 14, continuing and possibly intensifying the New Moon theme, especially as Uranus turns direct on this day.
Jupiter squares Uranus on January 17, which signifies conflicting world views or religious beliefs. On January 19, the Sun enters Aquarius, which, as it progresses through the sign, will add fuel to the brewing conflict. Mars will be conjunct Uranus, on January 20, as we witness the climax of this stressful episode. There is potential for huge disruption. Mars squares Jupiter on January 23, which indicates a need to face issues head-on and in a practical manner. Difficult decisions have to be made. On January 24, the Sun is conjunct Saturn, a serious disposition, which shows a need to come to terms with reality. The Sun moves on to square Uranus on January 26, while Neptune squares the nodal axis. The restlessness continues and there is a strong sense of disappointment. The Full Moon in Leo on January 28, once more highlights the complex turmoil of the past couple of weeks. Venus will be conjunct Pluto on this day, adding manipulative energy to the mix. The Sun conjuncts Jupiter on January 29, which seems to suggest that things will look much more optimistic at the end of the month than at the beginning, although there is the possibility of self-aggrandizement and conflict with the law.
This chaotic month ends with Mercury turning retrograde on January 30. Mercury will stay in Aquarius until the middle of March, an unusually long time for Mercury to stay in the same sign. It will take some time to process all that January has dished up for us.