September 2020:

September already? How did that happen? Despite the lockdown and everything else, the year seems to be whizzing by. And now, out of nowhere, September is knocking on the door. But, what does it have in store?

Let’s just recoup as to where we find ourselves at this point in time:

Currently, all the outer planets plus Jupiter and Saturn are retrograde, which always seems to create a kind of la-la-land atmosphere. Stuff is happening, but who cares? It doesn’t seem quite real because nobody seems to be watching, or doing anything about it.

Well, September is the month when things will change, as one by one, the outer planets are turning direct again. But not until the latter part of the month.

So, September kicks off with a Mercury trining Pluto on September 1 – which can be used for good or bad if trying to persuade. This comes on the eve of the Full Moon in Pisces on September 2. Although a Pisces Moon always has a tendency to wash us in emotion, this Full Moon looks a little difficult (more on that here), There are a lot of contrarian energies, so it is likely to be a bit of a jumbled mess.

On September 3, Mercury underscores that perhaps offering some justification, which seems like an afterthought. September 4, looks like a scramble of not altogether successful diplomacy.

Mercury enters Libra on September 5. – which is more diplomatically minded. In Libra, he should smooth communications, at least for the time being.

On September 6, Venus enters Leo, and the stage will be all hers, as there are no other planets in that sign at the same time. Enjoy the fun while it lasts – which isn’t for long.

On September 9, the Sun trines Jupiter, which offers a bit of hope, if not much else. But on September 10, the tide turns and Mars, who almost managed to sprint right through Aries, turns retrograde. Recent issues of conflict are likely to flare up again during this time.

On September 13, the Sun will be opposite Neptune, which suggests deliberate confusion or deception. On the same day, Jupiter is the first to turn direct and gearing up for the final showdown of that planetary congregation in Capricorn that has been dominating the heavens since the beginning of the year. We so badly want to get back to normal again – but we should not aim for business as usual, but for better! Will that pan out? We don’t know. It depends on whether we have learned anything from the experiences of the last few months. Otherwise, chances are, the chickens will be coming home to roost. For now, with Venus trining Chiron on the same day, and the Sun trining Pluto on September 14, things are looking up.

September 17, the Sun and Moon join in Virgo for the New Moon. This is a good time to plan things out and to get organized, especially as it trines Saturn. But remember, action follows thought. Just making a plan won’t get you very far.

Mercury is heading for the latter part of Libra, which means that he will be making a series of more challenging aspects, starting with a square to Jupiter on the New Moon. Mercury, being in Libra, and wanting to keep this in balance, has plenty of ideas. Whether they can stand the test of reality is another matter. We will find out when he squares Pluto, on September 21.

It looks like tensions are mounting, as Mars is also creeping his way back to a tight square with those planets in Capricorn. On Autumn Equinox, on September 22, the Sun enters Libra. A moment of equilibrium. The diplomatic skills of Libra are urgently needed, as, on September 23, Mercury squares Saturn. The next few days are likely to be very tense, as Mars is already in a tight T-square with Mercury and Saturn, but will slide back to its exact square about a week later.

On September 27, Mercury enters Scorpio, which suggests that whatever conflicts are brewing, they are likely to be removed from the diplomatic table and taken to the back room. Mercury is more likely to play dirty in Scorpio, scheming, and making secret deals. On September 29, Saturn is turning direct and gearing up to complete unfinished business. Soon he will be dashing for the door and heading out of this intense hick-hack in Capricorn. On this same day, Mars squares Saturn – caution is advised!

Summary: If diplomacy does not work in the early part of the month, the second half of September is likely to bring in a more acrimonious approach. The stars don’t rule our fate, but without consciously choosing a peaceful path, we may miss the opportunity to avert conflict.