What’s happening in the stars in July? Find out in the monthly Astrology forecast.
June ended on a bang. The effects of the second Jupiter/Pluto conjunction will still reverberate throughout July. But for the rest of the planets, July looks to be a bit quieter, generally speaking, Most of the outer planets are now in retrograde motion. Venus has turned direct again, much to everybody’s relief, but Mercury will remain retrograde until July 12.
Health is a big issue:
As the month gets going, the Sun and Mercury are conjunct in Cancer, squaring Chiron and sextiling Uranus on July 1. Health is an emotionally charged issue, that everybody seems to see from their own perspective first and foremost.
Tidying up loose ends
On July 1, Saturn is sliding back into Capricorn to finish off any unfinished business. This will be its final visit here for a while, so, whatever issues it brought up during its earlier sojourn in this sign, (most relevant to those who have experienced this as a direct transit to any natal planets) should now be brought to conclusion. Most affected are the cardinal signs, Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, and Libra, but also all those who have their natal Saturn in Capricorn and are experiencing their first, second, or third Saturn return. (Mar 1929-Nov 1932/ Jan 1959-Jan 1962 / Dec 1988-Jan1991)
Full Moon on July 5
The Full Moon in Capricorn takes place on July 5, and for once, does not come with too much tension, although Mars in Aries squaring Mercury in Cancer is likely to at least spice up the rhetoric. This aspect is particularly highlighted a couple of days later, on July 7, when the square between Mercury and Mars is exact.
Mercury direct on July 12
On July 12, Mercury turns direct again, thank goodness, but on the same day, Chiron will turn retrograde. This begins to loosen the tight semisextile pattern between Chiron and Uranus, which has been operational since the beginning of the year.
Demand for action?
July 14 looks to be an interesting day as Mars conjuncts Chiron and the Sun opposes first Jupiter, and then Pluto on the very next day. This could indicate that there will actually be some tangible action regarding the issues that have been at the center of our concerns for most of the year, the health crisis, the identity crisis, the race crisis, and the economic crisis. Or, at least, there will be a vocal demand for action.
Second New Moon in Cancer
On July 20, the New Moon opposes Saturn in Capricorn, bringing the focus to the transformational soup that has been brewing in Capricorn once again. What is special about this New Moon is that it is the second one in Cancer. The North Node, now at 28° Gemini, casts a quincunx to Saturn, an aspect of uncomfortable truth or impossible choice. The status quo is over, but no matter which decision is taken – it will not pass smoothly as it is impossible to reconcile these two factors.
Sun enters Leo
On July 22, the Sun enters Leo, its own domain. In this sign, the Sun can shine unapologetically. It radiates its power, authority, and light for all to see. And we might as well bask in it, too. Saturn has not yet made its final move into Aquarius. As he moves backward through Capricorn he only tentatively holds on to power and responsibility while the Sun confidently strides forward.
July 27 looks like it could be a bit of a contrarian day as Venus casts a square to Neptune in Pisces and a quincunx to Jupiter who in turn sextiles Neptune. Simultaneously, Mercury squares Mars. Much ado about something fishy going on. Manipulation, deception, and outrage all come to mind.
The month ends with Mercury opposing Jupiter while trining Neptune who is sextiling Jupiter. I smell fudge.