
New Moon in Capricorn, December 30, 2024

New Moon in Capricorn, December 30, 2024

New Moon in Capricorn

December 30, 2024

22:26 GMT

The New Moon in Capricorn, on the brink of the New Year, beckons for a review. Take some time to ponder the past year, cherish its highlights, let go of its low points and consider your goals and intentions for 2025.

No noteworthy aspects impede the New Moon itself. Its energy is highly focused and bundled – a moment of stillness before the surge. If we align ourselves with this New Moon energy, we can synchronise with its natural flow and get things done.

New Moon in Capricorn semi-square Venus in Aquarius

Capricorn is an ambitious, conscientious, and responsible sign, while Venus in Aquarius is independent and carefree. Striking a work-play balance may not be easy now. An inner conflict between the shoulds and the wants torments the soul.
Responsibilities are important, but so is taking the time to relax and do things that light you up. It is how we recuperate and maintain the energy needed to do the work. Don’t feel guilty for prioritising self-care.

T-square: Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini Mercury Square Saturn

Glaring across the chart is a T-square in mutable signs between Mercury opposite Jupiter, squaring Saturn in Pisces.
The Mercury/Jupiter opposite Jupiter can be over-optimistic, taking risks and putting too much on our plates. This combination flies high on the wings of the imagination, seeing potential and opportunity everywhere. But choosing priorities or knowing where to start can be daunting.

Saturn reins them in, holds them back and casts doubt. Its limitations can be frustrating. Saturn is the damp squib raining on the Jupiter/Mercury parade. But it is also a much-needed reality check.
Before rushing into anything, come up with as many ideas as possible without censoring yourself. But don’t get stuck on any one idea just yet. Once you have a dozen or more ideas, let Saturn go to work. Analyse each one to see if any of them land. Don’t give in to Saturn’s generalised pessimism or let overwhelm paralyse your enthusiasm. Go to work and get organised instead. Doing something new might mean letting go of something old that has become too restrictive or outmoded. 

New Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces
New Moon sesquisquare Uranus in Taurus

The sextile between the New Moon and Saturn is a helpful influence in developing a strategy. Although this trio forms a well-rounded perspective, it is not unperturbed. The New Moon also forms a sesquisquare with Uranus. Even the best plans can be disrupted by unforeseen events. 

Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

In geopolitical affairs, we might see an upset in diplomatic relations triggering a blow to the economy. Security could be shaky. 
In personal astrology, some relationships are on a treacherous path, marked by disagreements, provocations and unexpected plot twists.


Venus in Aquarius semi-sextile Neptune in Pisces

Although this aspect is not a powerful influence, it adds nuance to the picture. Neptune idealises and yearns, especially for the unobtainable. 

Mercury in Sagittarius sesquisquare Mars in Leo

This aspect suggests a diplomatic faux pas. Mercury in Sagittarius opens its mouth, often before thinking. It can be brash, provocative, and self-centred. Conflicting interests trigger heated arguments and battles of will, further underlined by Mars opposite Pluto in Aquarius. Battles of will and temper tantrums are pre-programmed.


Mars(D) in Leo trine Neptune in Pisces

Mars is in the early degrees of Leo and retrograde, casting a dissociated trine to Neptune. Ideology inspired action. Mars/Neptune are on a mission. This combination highlights delusions of power and narcissism.
Used inwardly, this combination can benefit artistic endeavours. It takes audacity and self-belief to act on your creative visions and impulses.

Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius
Mars in Leo trine North Node
Pluto sextile North Node

Pluto and Mars have been in opposition for a while now, an unusual affair, since Mars transits normally pass quickly. But in this case, it has been building up, first in Capricorn and Cancer, and now in Leo and Aquarius.
There is an ongoing power struggle, and the close contact with the nodal axis suggests it is not a passing mood, but a fundamental transformation with a direct impact on world events.


Uranus trine Pluto (D)
Uranus and Pluto sextile Neptune

This configuration provides the Zeitgeist background. The little triangle between the outer planets shows that a fundamental shift is taking place. We are on the brink of a new era.


Sun Moon square NN
Mars trine NN
Neptune conjunct NN
Pluto sextile NN

The New Moon squares the nodal axis. At this reset period, consider what is truly essential, to determine where to invest your energies and resources. Use this reset period wisely.

Sun Moon square Chiron
Mercury trine Chiron

Mindset is the root of success. It’s not just a matter of knowing what you want, but also the firm belief that you CAN do it. If you have issues surrounding self-worth or self-confidence, focus on those as you forge your plans for 2025. Self-limiting beliefs are your own worst enemy.

Kat Morgenstern

About Kat Morgenstern (AstroCat)

I am an astrologer, life coach, and counselor, writer, thinker, and eco-therapist. Astrology can show us not only where our unique talents lie and how we might best use them. I believe that self-knowledge is the key to fulfilling your life's dreams. I am passionate about helping people to find their unique way through difficult phases of their lives. 

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