This Full Moon in Scorpio is often the most joyous and exuberant Full Moon of the year. The Sun is gaining strength yet it is still youthful and gentle, and far from its scorching peak. The plant and animal kingdoms are in full exuberant swing. Mating, nest making, buzzing bees, and butterflies courting flowers galore – lush is the keyword of the season.
Of course, all that does not stop because of the Coronavirus, but our experience of nature’s lush love spectacle does. Our social life is still restrained in most places, and even where it is beginning to return to normal, a lingering apprehension remains.
The horoscope for this Full Moon, another ‘Super Full Moon’, reflects the hesitant mood.
Sun / Moon Mercury
The Sun and Moon don’t make any really close aspects to other planets. The closest is the Sun/ Mercury conjunction in Taurus. This suggests that practical concerns, which could be as basic as questions of food security to more abstract, yet related and very real concerns about the economy, or one’s own business, or employment status, take top priority.
Sun/Mercury sextile Neptune, Moon quincunx Neptune
The Full Moon aspects to Neptune embellish that material concern with imagination, as we wonder what shape the world will be in once all this is over. Fantasizing, dreaming, hoping, wishing for a better world – perhaps one in which pollution levels will be permanently reduced and nature has enough space and time to rebound. Or, a world recognizes the inequalities in the outcome of Covid-19 and is determined to create a more compassionate and fair future for all. Many of us have these kinds of fantasies. Others may seek comfort in religious or spiritual practice. We are all looking for guidance, and to understand the meaning of this calamity.
Venus square Neptune
This aspect seeks diversion. Venus in Gemini is very sociable but with a flitting mind. In square with Neptune, her natural inclination is to escape reality. Whether through, games, newfound activities, or chatting online – drifting down the rabbit holes of the internet or getting sucked into the endless whirl of news, rumors, and jokes. The virtual world of social media is replacing our real-world interactions. Yet, there is a sense of irritability, restlessness, and frustration, given the compounding effects of the Full Moon and Mercury aspects to Neptune (see above). Emotional tensions can erupt and blow up out in the open, which is an emotional quagmire, as far as Venus in Gemini is concerned.
Mercury semisextile Venus
This semi-sextile does not weigh too heavily on the chart. But it is somewhat significant due to the fact that both planets are also involved with Neptune. In this configuration Mercury and Venus are in mutual reception, meaning that each resides in the sign of the other’s domain. This is a helpful influence that can give some support and stability in the face of uncertainty.
Chiron semisextile Uranus
The closest aspect in the chart is the semisextile between Uranus and Chiron. Semisextiles are not very strong in these kinds of horoscopes, but given that this is an aspect that will accompany us through most of the year and even to the middle of next year, it makes it worth considering. The nature of their respective signs is concerned with self-preservation. This can be related to the immediate concern of personal health, but on a more global level, it also hints at the larger social questions of identity, how that is preserved, or redefined by the threat of sudden unforeseen upheaval and disruption. The nature of this aspect suggests not an all-out conflict, but rather a molding phase that will determine later developments.
Saturn/Jupiter quincunx North Node
The North Node has just entered Gemini, which heralds a new chapter. While the North Node was in Cancer it played a significant role in the convoluted and often passionate feelings that have lead to a growing sense of polarisation in society, based on nationalism, identity, and sentiment for a ‘lost world’. It has now moved into Gemini, a more open sign that engages with and enjoys connections with others. The North Node is no longer in opposition to the heavyweight planets in Capricorn, Saturn, and Pluto. Saturn has moved on and is currently dipping its toes into the Aquarian stream of consciousness, while Pluto is still in Capricorn and involved in a little dance with Jupiter. Pluto and Jupiter are currently moving in opposite directions – Pluto has started its annual retrogradation, while Jupiter is trying to catch up to Saturn. Thus, Jupiter and Saturn are both forming a quincunx to the North Node, but while Jupiter’s is straight forward, Saturn’s is dissociated. That dissociation can be a good thing since both Aquarius and Gemini are members of the air tribe. This underscores the new flavor of the times – connection. If nothing else, the virus has shown us that we are all in this together and how important our social relations really are.
Bottom line: the energy is somewhat tentative and apprehensive as everything is still in suspense. Try to keep communications open and real to avoid the quagmire of emotional drama. Focus on practical matters that you can actually control. Search within the well of your personal experience for meaning and see if you can gain some insight into how your life might be different when all this has passed.