Full Moon in Leo – Choosing a path with a heart

The full moon chart is a snapshot of the current cosmic energy patterns and serves as a message from the stars. It is a kind of oracle that gives us a glimpse and allows us to understand the seed moments in time.

Full moons signify fruition, a peak moment of sorts. This month, the moon is in Leo, opposite the Sun in Aquarius.

The moon in Leo signifies pride and leadership, individuality and creativity. It is supported by fiery Mars in Sagittarius, who shoots for the stars.

But there is another, latent pattern here. One that I would normally ignore because of the orbs and because the Moon moves so quickly. But in this case, I think it is worth noting. This pattern is a double Yod of which the Moon forms the apex planet. One arm of that pattern is held firmly down in Capricorn, with Saturn and Pluto forming the anchor and Neptune in Pisces forming the other leg. The reflexive planet, which is the sensitive marker is, of course, the sun. The pattern suggests a moral conflict. There is a fork in the road. Which way will we take?

Saturn is separating from the conjunction with Pluto, but still in Capricorn suggests that there is a desire to stick with business as usual. Neptune in Pisces, on the other hand, may offer plenty in terms of compassion and empathy, but little in terms of practical solutions. It may feel the pain of the entire world, but what is it going to do about it?

Clearly neither are satisfying under the current circumstances.

All hope rests on the Sun in Aquarius which should put altruistic motives first. What is very much needed is leadership that truly puts people first, instead of personal power or pride.

The other interesting feature of the chart is the Venus/Chiron conjunction. Chiron has recently taken up residence in Aries where it will stay until 2027. During its stay in this self-centered sign, it will highlight identity issues. After its long stay in empathic Pisces, it is now very much interested in self-discovery and what it means to be authentic. Venus joining it there brings into focus that to be able to relate and to really love someone else it is necessary to also accept and love yourself. That doesn’t mean that we all need to let out the inner brat in order to be ourselves. But, it certainly can teach us that we cannot live our full potential if we don’t acknowledge and tend to our needs. Chiron and Venus together are a reminder that we should practice a little bit of self-care once in a while.

This full moon is a good time to reflect on the choices before us. We don’t know yet where either road will lead. But we do have the choice when it comes to picking our authentic path.