Astrological Overview for September 2023
September 1 – 4, 2023
August went out with a Super Full Moon in Pisces, conjunct Saturn. But September kicks off with a quincunx between Mars and Saturn. Mars in Libra is in detriment, and Saturn in Pisces feels no less awkward, given that he is all about structures and boundaries. Imagine trying to hit a nail underwater.
Quincunxes turn the spotlight on an impossible dilemma. You would probably rather ignore it, but you do so at your own peril. Instead, lean into it and address the conflict directly. Quincunxes demand we correct the course. But for a solution to be found, both planets need to compromise.
September 4 is a turning point. Mercury trines Jupiter, just as he turns retrograde. This is a signature of optimism, although things may not turn out as expected. There may be some delay.
On the same day, Venus turns direct. While in retrograde mode, Venus can become laid back. She might not get much done, but the downtime restores her creative juices, stoking her inner fire. Now, Venus is ready to direct all her energies towards whatever she wants to manifest.
September 5 – 10, 2023
On September 5, the Sun semi-sextiles Venus, then joins retrograde Mercury. Nascent impulses are the seeds of future projects. Honour and encourage them, even if they seem impractical. Don’t get bogged down by the gazillion details to work out before there is a half-baked plan. Try to balance practical and realistic considerations without killing off the fragile seedling ideas.
On September 6, Mercury and the Sun form a sesquiquadrate with Pluto – a spanner in the works. Sesquiquadrates cause frustration and upset. No matter how well-prepared, Mercury and the Sun might feel – Pluto can shake their foundations.
Over the following days, the same see-saw motion continues. On September 7, Mercury semi-sextiles Venus, and the Sun trines Jupiter one day later. Things appear to be looking up. But then, Mars sesquiquadrates Uranus, signalling troublesome energies building up to the New Moon.
September 11 – 15, 2023
On September 11, Mercury semi-sextile Mars, suggesting latency. He is not yet ready to strike, but is gathering resources and sharpening his tools. The Sun, Moon, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto align in a kite shape in the September 15 New Moon chart, suggesting a significant development. In this constellation, the Sun and Moon represent transpersonal forces expressed on a personal level.
The issues playing out right now are beyond our personal control or comprehension, even though they affect our experience. Mercury is turning direct on September 15. Clarity does not return immediately, but the shift lets us see clearer now. Venus squares Jupiter, a challenge that suggests that if we are not getting our way right now, it might be for the better.
September 16 – 21, 2023
In the following days, these aspects become more exact. The tightening aspects focalise the theme of the New Moon.
On September 19, Mars forms a quincunx with Jupiter, showing that there are still big issues to address before anything can be resolved.
The Sun’s trine with Pluto on September 21, completes the last aspect of the New Moon kite.
September 22 – 25, 2023
The response is sesquiquadrate-shaped. Mars and Saturn on September 22, and Mercury and Pluto on September 23, the autumn equinox, when the Sun moves into Libra. These problematic aspects show resistance. Some may find it difficult to accept the changes that are taking place.
The Sun quincunxes Saturn on September 25, and Mercury trines Jupiter. This constellation echoes the aspects from the beginning of the month, but now as the run-up to the Full Moon, rather than its aftermath.
September 26 – 30, 2023
The Full Moon in Aries on September 29 is highly dynamic. But Venus squares Uranus, and the outer planets are still all retrograde. Although there is great restlessness and a desire to move forward, the time is not quite right – yet.
The month ends on a positive note, with Mercury forming a semi-sextile with Mars and a trine with Uranus on September 30. This could bring unexpected inspiration if we don’t hold on to a particular mode of thinking but stay open to the wondrous ways of the universe.