July 1-6, 2023
July 2023 kicks off with the Sun and Mercury, forming a sextile with Jupiter. This endearing aspect pattern is reassuring, nurturing and caring – although not entirely without friction. The Sun and Mercury also form a semi-square with Mars, and on July 2, Venus squares Uranus. It is a bit like dancing on eggshells – irritable and brittle. Step carefully.
The Full Moon on July 3 trines Jupiter before it exacts its opposition to the Sun and Mercury. As it departs Capricorn, it forms a trine with Uranus but a quincunx with Venus and Mars. There are a lot of dynamics to juggle. Don’t be hasty, but stay alert and ready.
July 7-8, 2023
Mercury casts a sesquiquadrate to Saturn and a sextile to Uranus on July 7. Some vexing information may come with an unexpected twist. On July 9, Mars quincunxes Pluto, and Mercury trines Neptune. Directing all available energy towards one specific goal is no easy feat. Attachment to the illusion of perfection can prevent us from making the most of what we’ve got and can prevent us from moving on.
July 9-12, 2023
On July 9, Mars enters Virgo, bringing more precision and targeted action to the planetary dance. Mercury opposes Pluto, apparently digging deeper and unearthing some uncomfortable truths. Releasing this stuff into the open can have a cathartic but healing effect.
On July 11, Mercury moves into Leo and immediately semi-sextiles Mars. He then squares the North Node while Mars trines it. This is a highly ambivalent constellation. Leo is a wilful and fiery sign. But over-enthusiasm can blow others out of the water and make communications more difficult.
On July 12, the Sun squares Chiron and the Moon conjuncts Uranus. Tread softly. Don’t run if you can walk.
July 13-16, 2023
The next day brings a load of lunar aspects, stirring things up, but the dust probably settles by July 14 and 15. All that agitated energy precipitates into potentiality. Seed ideas are stirring. Perhaps it crystallises into a distinct ‘aha’ moment, as everything clicks into place.
July 17-20, 2023
On the New Moon in Cancer on July 17, Mercury squares Jupiter. This aspect could translate into general overload. It is easy to overdo it when things are so exciting. But if you have too much on your plate, you will feel it now. As if on cue, the nodes change signs and shift the emphasis onto the Aries/Libra axis. Make sure you get enough rest.
On July 20, the Sun trines Neptune, making things appear unusually bright and beautiful. But hey, why not? Shifting the focus away from all the negatives certainly has many benefits.
July 21-26,2023
On July 21, the desire to take action is strong, but something is blocking the flow. Examine that resistance and bring the underlying issues to light. It will require hard work and take you into complex territory on July 22. But if you work it, chances are the knot will resolve, and you will be wiser.
On July 23, we are at a crossroads. Pluto sextile Neptune forms a rectangle with the Sun sextile Moon. Saturn, sitting between Pluto and Neptune, opposes Mars, plopped between the Sun and Moon. Mercury conjuncts Lilith in Leo, and together they square Uranus in Taurus. A lot is going on at this watershed moment. It’s time to do some soul-searching to figure out what you truly want.
July 27-30, 2023
By July 27, the air clears, and Mercury conjunct Venus can establish a new equilibrium. But it won’t be easy.
Mercury enters Virgo on July 28. Solution-focused, practical, and analytical, Mercury in Virgo is keen to clear clutter and tidy up loose ends. On July 29, the quincunxes between the Sun and Saturn, and between Venus and Neptune on July 30, suggest a collision between reality and the imagination. Which will you side with? Will you stick with Saturn or chase your dreams?