May 23 – Oct 11, 2021
Saturn is turning retrograde. He has almost made it to the middle of Aquarius – but not quite. On the day he turns retrograde he has reached 13° Aquarius. For much of the rest of the year, until October 11, he will be slouching his way back through Aquarius, covering old ground once more. By the time he will turn direct again he will have gone back all the way to 6° Aquarius.
For those who have planets and angles in the fixed signs between 6-13°, this is the time to recap and to adjust the course, where necessary.
In January 2022 Saturn will be back at 13°, by which time you should be all set, hopefully. Do the necessary now – with Saturn transits it pays off to be proactive and to take responsibility sooner rather than having to deal with the consequences of not doing so at a later stage.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay