Full Moon in Aries, October 17, 2024, 11:26 GMT

Tense conflicts drive the fiery dynamics of this Full Moon in Aries. But, for every square or opposition, there are trines and sextiles that offer release. It is up to us how we handle the situation.

The Full Moon in Aries is always dynamic. It represents a last romp before Samhain/Halloween, when, in the Northern Hemisphere, the life force retreats below the surface to regenerate its powers.

This year, the planets present an especially spicy spectacle. The Moon conjuncts Chiron, and the Full Moon axis squares a Mars – Pluto opposition. And, Venus opposes Uranus. But wait, there is still more. 


Sun opposite Moon conjunct Chiron

While the Sun seeks balance and integration, the Moon is feisty and impulsive. Chiron in the mix shows a gaping wound demanding acknowledgement and justice. Hurt pride can lash out impulsively and create yet more pain and suffering. With this mentality, losing face is a greater defeat than losing one’s life in battle. Fighting for a cause closely tied up with the innermost sense of identity is a source of pride and glory. 


Sun Moon square Mars opposite Pluto

Ominously, the Full Moon axis also squares Mars and Pluto. Although the orb with Pluto is wide, it still resonates with this pattern. Mars in Cancer can be quite insecure, which easily turns into defensive attack mode. It must display its muscle, even in the face of Pluto’s abyss. An all-or-nothing stance.
The Mars/ Pluto combination can unleash quite a dramatic power game. Once fixed on a cause, there is no stopping them. This opposition readily goes the whole hog, risking everything to get what it wants. And it can be ruthless. 
 With the Moon in the warrior sign of Aries, the odds are stacked for battle, despite the Sun in Libra’s diplomatic efforts. Strategy and sweet talk can garner much support. Libra is often depicted as a peacemaker, but that is not accurate! Many rather ruthless politicians have been born under this sign. Strategy and forming alliances to ramp up resources and support for one’s cause is just as important as military aptitude.

Venus opposite Uranus
Mars sextile Uranus
Venus sextile Pluto
Uranus trine Pluto

Venus opposes Uranus while Mars sextiles it; a highly emotional configuration of primary drives. Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer, both in water signs, are emotionally intense. The opposition signifies a rebellious force, perhaps surrounding women’s rights. Mars in Cancer, insecure in its masculinity, masks his vulnerability as the champion and defender of traditional family values. The battle of the sexes is a battle of control. But Pluto’s involvement suggests a need for deep transformation.


Venus trine Neptune
Mars trine Neptune 
Mars trine Venus

Both Mars and Venus trine Neptune, a redeeming feature. Neptune opens the door to spiritual understanding and forgiveness. But it can also serve as a source of delusion, grandeur, and deception that fuel the entanglements of Mars with Pluto and Venus with Uranus. The influence is comparatively weak, but still a factor that resonates in the background.


Sun trine Jupiter
Moon, Chiron sextile Jupiter

Jupiter is the champion of the chart, offering great tension relief. Although retrograde and in Gemini, it can mediate between conflicting factions and bring the light of reason into this complicated, protracted, polarised darkness. In retrograde mode, Jupiter is not his usual, expansive self but encourages us to embark on an inner journey down twisting paths. Jupiter grasps the big picture from the inside and seeks to construct meaning from different threads. It may not have all the answers, but, it shows a different approach.

Mercury quincunx NN

This may not be the strongest aspect, but it shows the awkwardness and the struggle to face the facts and to find the right words. There may be secret elements that can have a decisive impact on our destiny unless Mercury blows the whistle. But that would have its own consequences.