August 2024 – Turbulent times
August debuts with mounting intensity. The Sun, at 9° Leo, trines/ sextiles the nodal axis, focusing on leadership themes. Venus, also in Leo, squares Uranus on August 2. A fresh wind, defiant, charismatic and confident, is raising a storm. The Moon joins the Sun for the New Moon on August 4. Along the way, it trines Neptune at 29° Pisces, and opposes Pluto, who is just as he is about to re-enter Capricorn one last time.
Mars, mirroring the Sun, now trines and sextiles the nodes, but in reverse. While the Sun trined the north node, Mars trines the south node. Some issues from the past must be reckoned with before we can move on.
New Moon, August 4, 2024
On the day of the New Moon in Leo, Venus is on the brink of moving into Virgo, an exacting sign that pays attention to every detail. As she moves from Leo into Virgo, she quincunxes Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius. This double quincunx is sometimes called a Yod, or the finger of God. The apex planet points out the focus or direction. Neptune and Pluto are transpersonal, implying we are dealing with a significant shift, not just a momentary mood swing. This is Zeitgeist-level stuff.
Generational shifts – outer planets changing signs
The aspect configuration involving Pluto, Neptune and Uranus is worth examining. Pluto and Uranus are forming a trine, and Neptune sits at the midpoint as the apex planet. Pluto changes signs this year. After a couple of short stints in Aquarius, it is wrapping up business in Capricorn for the last time before moving into Aquarius, heralding a new era. Pluto will stay in Aquarius for some 20 years.
Neptune is also in the last degree of Pisces, but is not due to fully transition into Aries until 2026. But he will make his first exploratory excursions starting next year. (To make things more interesting, Saturn is also changing signs, moving into Aries in 2025).
Uranus is the fastest planet among these three. Although he is still only at 26 degrees Taurus, he will enter Gemini in July 2025 for the first time.
Both Neptune and Uranus will make the full transition in 2026.
Since the outer planets deal in social and structural dimensions, it is obvious that we are currently undergoing a process of fundamental social restructuring.
The Yod – Venus as the harbinger of change
As mentioned above, Venus sits at the apex of the Yod, leading the way.
Traditionally, Venus has been portrayed as passive and pretty, an object of beauty that inspires desire. This is a very male perspective. Venus is much deeper than that. Venus is the prime civilising force. She taught us how to live as human beings and rise above raw instincts and desires. She is the Goddess of love and beauty, of course, but also of justice, ethics, values and aesthetics. And she gave us practical skills like sewing and cooking, setting us apart in the animal kingdom. Venus represents the values we cherish and can turn our lives into works of art.
Love and attraction create the complicated webs of human relationships and interactions. Venus is the looking glass/mirror through which we perceive ourselves and others.
So, Venus is the focal point of the Yod, pointing at what we need to focus on: the values by which we define who we are as a species. We should take this question very seriously. It is what we need to shape the dreams, visions (Neptune), and transformative actions (Pluto) that will lay the foundations of the future.
Most salient, this aspect occurs on the New Moon in Leo – a highly potent time, inviting us to take charge and express our creative potential.
On August 5, Venus enters Virgo and Mercury turns retrograde.
We all know the Mercury retrograde routine – make sure all your t’s are crossed, read the small print, use reminders so you don’t forget important appointments, and expect delays in transport and communications. And yet, there will be some hiccups. Just be prepared. Of course, there is also another side to Mercury retrograde if you have the flexibility to let chance play out. Sometimes it is not about making our plans watertight, but about being flexible and adjusting as needed.
Mercury (R) conjunct Venus
On August 8, retrograde Mercury joins Venus, strengthening that Yod formation. A time for reflection and considered action – or it can relate to inquiries into issues of justice or legislation.
Mars conjunct Jupiter – square Saturn
In the meantime, Mars is inching up to Jupiter. The conjunction is exact on August 14, a highly charged aspect, especially as it will square Saturn. This could spell trouble. Mars and Jupiter in Gemini are impulsive. They get fired up by an idea and go for it. The danger is overconfidence. Saturn may rain on the Jupiter/Mars parade, but this might be necessary to caution against overly impulsive decisions or baseless boasting. Saturn needs time to consider. In Pisces, Saturn is prone to dithering. He feels uncomfortable when put on the spot. Sometimes holding back is wise. But it can also spell missed opportunities. Follow your nose, but don’t throw caution to the winds. This configuration builds up around August 12, when the Moon trines Saturn and quincunxes Mars and Jupiter. These patterns continue until the 16th of August, at least. Mars will fire it up from close quarters. But even after Mars moves on, the Jupiter/Saturn square continues to make its mark. Now it’s persistence that counts. Hold on to the vision and keep at it. It is an endurance test. Focus on the why. Purpose and meaning make all the difference to stamina and motivation.
Full Moon on August 19, 2024 – hold on to your hats!
A new dynamic enters the picture in the build-up to the Full Moon, on August 19. At this time, Venus opposes Saturn and squares Jupiter/Mars, forming a T-square. Simultaneously, the Sun conjuncts retrograde Mercury and both square Uranus. This looks like a full kit and caboodle. Get the popcorn ready and watch the drama, which will most likely be broadcast on TV. In personal relationships, this could be a rocky time. Conflict may arise, creating an urge to cut loose, yet Saturn may hold tight. Expect turbulence, especially if the planets involved affect your personal horoscope placements as transits.
After the Full Moon, the energies gradually subside, but it takes time. It is not one of those blow-ups that are quickly forgotten.
Sun enters Virgo
On August 22, the Sun enters Virgo, shifting the focus to more practical matters. Take a solution-orientated approach. Virgo’s shadow is cynicism or complaining, neither of which is helpful.
Towards the end of the month, by August 27, Venus shifts focus and trines Uranus as it inches towards her opposition with Neptune on August 28. But Saturn still holds on to its square with Jupiter, albeit slightly loosened.
Venus’ change of focus brings in a new, less antagonistic dynamic, but it can still be disruptive and unpredictable. Hard-to-contain, conflicting emotions create inner struggle and emotional turmoil.
Mercury turns direct
On August 28, Mercury finally goes direct, hurray! Take a deep breath.
Venus enters Libra
It has been a whirlwind of a month, and it is not over yet. On August 29, Venus enters Libra and immediately trines Pluto. The emotional barometer can still be off the charts.