New Moon in Libra, October 14, 2023, 17:54 GMT
This New Moon in Libra is conjunct with the South Node – it falls on the annular solar eclipse. Mercury is also in Libra and close by. Libra is a peace-and-justice-loving sign. That does not mean avoiding conflict. Instead, we are asked to show compassion and look at all sides, including our own role. No justice, no peace. We must first understand the underlying imbalance, injustice and inequity to find a sustainable solution.
Eclipses signify the darkest hour before the light re-emerges. It is a time of renewal, to shed old, worn-out layers and prepare to be reborn. But although rebirth signifies transformation, it is also a period of tenderness and vulnerability.
Mercury in Libra conjunct the New Moon in Libra
Opposite Chiron in Aries
Mercury is conjunct with the New Moon and directly opposite Chiron. Talking about the pain, the trauma or vulnerability can be an act of healing. It may feel dangerous and fragile, but confronting it is the best way to discover your strength. Something needs to be aired.
New Moon in Libra quincunx Uranus in Taurus
The New Moon forms a quincunx with Uranus. This is the sort of awkward aspect that triggers a crisis. Something must be done, but there are no simple solutions. It is a ‘damned if you do and damned if you don’t’ type of situation. Yet, we can’t maintain or go back to the status quo. It is no longer an option. The challenge is to grab the nettle to come up with creative ideas. None seem savoury, but inaction is also a choice, but probably not one you want.
Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (retro)
Retrograde Saturn is just about to move back into Aquarius. Although trines are usually expressive, this one suggests hesitancy. We must draw from a deep inner source to connect the personal with the universal and try to bring them into alignment through our actions.
Jupiter in Taurus has no aspects
Retrograde Jupiter sits on the sidelines, without any aspects. It is a perilous moment of uncertainty, and Jupiter’s guiding light and hope are absent or elusive. Re-visit basic principles and seek Jupiter within to activate your moral and spiritual compass.
Pluto in Capricorn, direct
Pluto has just turned stationary direct, but has yet to gather momentum. This is a point of darkness before the new dawn. Like the eclipse, Pluto demands that we face our shadow and acknowledge our capacity for good and evil. Honest self-assessment and appraisal lead to transformation.