Astrological Overview for October 2022
October 1-6, 2022
Astrologically, October kicks off to a good start. Venus has just entered her Libra domain and opposes Jupiter in Aries. This aspect raises questions of justice, particularly regarding women’s rights. Jupiter still retrogrades through Aries, and pompous bluster does not pull the crowds. Words are weighed carefully.
In personal affairs, it is best to take a humble approach. For artists, this can be a fruitful time. Listen closely to the quiet voice of inspiration.
Mercury turns direct on October 2. It is sluggish at first, but once it picks up speed, he gains momentum and propels us forward.
October 7-9, 2022
On October 7, the Sun opposes Chiron, bringing health-related issues into focus. In Libra, the Sun seeks balance, which requires constant adjustment. We must be mindful of those more vulnerable than we might be, while not denying our own need for authentic self-expression. It can be a fine line.
On October 9, the Full Moon joins Chiron in Aries, and Venus flanks the Sun. But wait, there is more. A grand trine in air signs between the Sun, Saturn, and Mars, and a T-square between Mars, Mercury, and Neptune, with Mars as the apex planet. Mars plays a prominent role in this chart. Meanwhile, Saturn and Uranus are still in a tight square. These are complex and tension-laden patterns that don’t suggest an easy solution. While the air trine can be a positive signal, the t-square is still heavily embroiled in contentions. The Saturn/Uranus square intensifies these tensions.
October 10-22, 2022
Mercury enters Libra on October 10. Mercury and Libra share an elemental affinity, but Libra’s careful deliberations can lead to indecision. Although the Sun trines Saturn on October 12, Mars squares Neptune and Mercury opposes Jupiter on the same day. Too much push might backfire. Quincunxes and sesquiquadrates involving Uranus, Saturn and Neptune further complicate the situation.
Venus trines Saturn on October 14, indicating sincerity and commitment. The Sun and Venus travel closely together as they quincunx Neptune, trine Mars and square Pluto before their conjunction becomes exact on October 22. Their close association softens the aspects they make along the way. There is a diplomatic angle, an opening for talks and compromise.
October 23-26, 2022
Mercury follows in their step, repeating the same aspects with a short delay. On October 23, Mercury trines Saturn, while Venus and the Sun move into Scorpio. On the way, they quincunx Jupiter, itself on the brink of sliding back into Pisces. The New Moon in Scorpio on October 25 is also an eclipse. Venus is still in the mix, in the same degree. This is a game-changing Full Moon, a time of purging and purification, preparing us for the next phase. Hold on to your highest ideals.
October 27-31, 2022
By October 27, Mercury will have caught up to the quincunx with Neptune, the trine to Mars and the square to Pluto, mopping up or consolidating what Venus and the Sun initiated ten days earlier. As October draws to a close, Jupiter slides back into Pisces (October 28), Mercury enters Scorpio (October 29), and Mars turns retrograde (October 30). The cosmic energies take another turn. Sabre-rattling and aggression give way to secret scheming. Less self-assured, retrograde Mars is defensive and unpredictable. Jupiter may not show as much bluster, but that does not mean it is giving up on its vision. Remember, Jupiter will be back in Aries before long. This is a time to regroup and reconsider the game plan.
The challenge is to find a deeper meaning that lends credence to our endeavours. We must ask ourselves not only where we are going, but why.