Astrology Forecast for May 2022
It’s time for our monthly astrology forecast! Let’s see what May has in store for us.
May 1 – 9, 2022
The New Moon in Taurus, with its Jupiter/Venus theme, has kicked off May with a lovely Venusian vibe – but not of the flower power variety. Venus casts a sextile to Pluto on May 1, which makes for a seductive power display. The vibe changes the next day, with a semi-sextile between Uranus and Venus just before she enters Aries. Suddenly, the energy field becomes bristly with a much more Marsian edge. On May 3, Mars forms a semi-square with Pluto, intensifying the powers of not-so-subtle persuasion. On the same day, Jupiter sextiles Pluto, lending even more weight to the endeavour. The energy continues to mount and culminates in the Sun / Uranus conjunction on May 5 – always good for a surprise. After that, the pressure eases just a tad, but complications are brewing.
May 10 – 18, 2022
Mercury goes retrograde on May 10, the day Jupiter moves into Aries! This period comes with a boat-load of push. If you have been waiting to get started on anything – wait no more! It doesn’t matter whether your task is big or small. All that matters is that your heart is in it. Jupiter’s optimism and Aries’ go-getting mode are not made for lengthy deliberation and the dragging of heels. Get moving!
The only restraining force in this picture is Mercury, in retro mode. Although Jupiter is a powerful motivator, Mercury retrograde will still throw spanners in the works or amuse himself by sowing mischief.
On May 11, Venus semi-squares Saturn and Uranus, producing an air of strained diplomacy.
The Sun conjuncts the north node on May 13, which sees the eclipse energy from the last New Moon on April 30 come to a head in the run-up to the Full Moon on May 16. The Full Moon in Scorpio eclipse almost exactly squares Saturn, a make or break call. Mars and Neptune are also closely conjunct (exact on May 18). This is a touchy time. This can play out in various ways. The imagination runs rampant, and we bite off more than we can chew or simply don’t have a plan to act on. Or Mars can overreact to imaginary threats. Traditional Astrology links the combination of these planets to infectious diseases and their after-effects. Caution is advised.
May 19 – 28, 2022
On May 19, the Sun trines Pluto and enters Gemini on May 21 and immediately conjuncts retrograde Mercury, holding the door open for him, so to speak, as he re-enters Taurus on May 23.
Mars enters Aries, his personal stomping ground, on May 24, and things almost instantly pick up steam. Mercury trines Pluto on May 25, which could produce some powerfully persuasive rhetoric. The next day, Mars semi-squares Uranus, and on May 27, Venus squares Pluto. There seem to be different agendas at loggerheads. Venus enters Taurus on May 28, and Tada! Both Venus and Mars are in their own domains.
May 29 – 31, 2022
But wait, there is more. Mars conjuncts Jupiter on May 29, and this is a real powerhouse combination, even if Mercury is still retrograde. The conjunction takes place on the eve of the New Moon in Gemini, on May 30, so watch out! Mars and Jupiter together are full of energy and ambition. The danger here is excess. Even if we feel invincible, we are not. Optimism and determination can hugely boost our success, but that does not mean we should ignore reality. The month ends with a couple of semi-sextiles, one between Venus and Jupiter, and the other between Saturn and Neptune, denoting latent possibilities. But they probably won’t come to anything until Mercury goes direct again in early June.
All in all, we can expect quite some commotion this month, despite (and because?) Mercury being retrograde.