Mercury is transiting Gemini from April 29 – May 23, 2022, but it won’t get very far before turning retrograde on May 10, 2022. By May 23 he re-enters Taurus.
- Mercury enters Gemini: April 29 – May 23, 2022
- Mercury retrograde re-enters Taurus on May 23, 2022
- Mercury retrograde: May 10 – June 6, 2022
- Mercury re-enters Gemini: June 13, 2022 – July 5, 2022
Coming home
Mercury rules Gemini and is happy to return to his domain, where he feels light and breezy. He jokes around and makes fun of things – even when the topic is bleak. For Gemini, joking is a form of self-protection. Exposing the absurd puts matters into perspective and prevents us from feeling the depth of those frightening emotions we all must face these days.
Mercury’s strength is his adaptability, and in Gemini, that means mental agility. Mercury in Gemini finds it easy to get his head around new ideas and come up with novel solutions. Curiosity and adaptability are evolutionary assets, without which we would never have got to where we are now. Curiosity drives the impulse to learn – a process that is very much in the Mercury/Gemini domain.
Mercury’s curiosity means he is interested in everything, but has little patience to study anything in detail. There are too many fascinating factoids or story threads to get bogged down with any of them for long.
The light-hearted spirit is fun, but can also be exhausting. Mercury in Gemini can find it hard to focus and quickly gets bored. When all his synapses are firing at once, everyone else seems dim. It is easy to lose balance when our thoughts are racing so fast that we get entangled with the windmills of our minds.
Gemini is a social sign, and Mercury finds it easy to adapt to different social settings. He sees the world as a stage and people as actors in the divine comedy. The Mercury/Gemini individual may find this perspective useful, but it leaves others scratching their heads, wondering who is behind the mask.
Mercury is a fast-moving planet, so the effects of this transit are like a passing whirlwind of energy and ideas. Only those of us who experience it as a direct transit to planets or angles in our personal horoscopes are likely to feel a noticeable effect.
Self-Presentation, Persona (Mercury in Gemini, 1. House):
When Mercury travels through a Gemini first house, there is a powerful urge to chat with everyone he meets. It is light-hearted chit-chat mostly, but it can come as a welcome breath of fresh air. Psychologically, Mercury’s key to life is his natural curiosity, which never fails to open doors for him.
Money, Values (Mercury in Gemini, 2. House):
In the house of money and value systems, a Mercury transit can indicate fluctuation or chance opportunities in the financial department. The impulse to spend money on frivolous things can be strong. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, and think things through before taking risky financial decisions. Mercury in a Gemini can feel ambivalent about money issues because of deeper psychological insecurities.
Friends and Kin, Mental Processing (Mercury in Gemini, 3. House):
In the house of siblings and kin, a Mercury transit indicates a flurry of social activity. Mercury in this sector is in his element by sign and by house. The mind is hungry for stimulation, but the key is to know when to ease off. Overstimulation can cause psychological instability.
Home and Family (Mercury in Gemini, 4. House):
When Mercury transits the house of home and family, it can feel quite restless and unsettled. If you are going stir-crazy, change your daily routine, or try rearranging the furniture to introduce some novelty. Home decoration projects are a great way to ground that nervous energy. Psychologically, restlessness often means that something is afoot at a deeper level of the psyche, but we can’t quite grasp it yet. Listen closely to your emotional clues instead of ignoring them.
Creativity, Children (Mercury in Gemini, 5. House):
Mercury visiting the house of creativity is an excellent opportunity to play with your inner child. Explore, discover, fool around, or capture your mental escapades in writing. This is a great time to have fun with your children if you have any. Mercury wants time and space to follow his curiosity and explore creative possibilities. When we give space to our creative impulses, we might stumble upon the psychological benefits of our flow.
Health, Work, Service (Mercury in Gemini, 6. House):
The sixth house is the house of work, routine and health issues. When Mercury transits, it likely brings a flurry of activity, so don’t be surprised if things seem busier than usual. Be mindful of your life/work balance and try not to get stressed out. Overactivity can upset your inner sense of equilibrium and create psychological stress.
Partnership, Relationship (Mercury in Gemini, 7. House):
In the house of love, Mercury in Gemini is a flighty fellow. He is flirtatious, for sure, and fickle. If you meet such a person, enjoy the moment, but don’t pin them down. This transit is better for Platonic companionship or mental relations than for romance. If there are issues that need to be aired out, now is a good time to talk with your significant other. Psychologically, great communication can be a real kick-starter for a relationship. Romance dies when we stop talking to each other.
Shared Assets, Inner Resources (Mercury in Gemini, 8. House):
A Mercury transit through the eighth house conjures up an image of trade and barter. It is all about keeping the finger on the pulse to get the inside story, which informs the best deals and value transactions. Psychologically, this Mercury transit may bring up things that are not normally talked about. Coaching or counselling can be very beneficial at this time.
Travel, Study (Mercury in Gemini, 9. House):
Mercury loves travelling, and when passing through the ninth house, he is off at the drop of a hat. If no such opportunity presents itself, ground that energy by feeding the curious Mercury mind. The possibilities are endless. Psychologically, Mercury wants to make connections and understand his world. A comprehensive understanding forms the foundation of his sense of coherence.
Career, Status (Mercury in Gemini, 10. House):
A Mercury visit through a Gemini tenth house presents a great opportunity to reach out. Networking is the name of the game, and flexibility and versatility are your greatest assets. Use this time for brainstorming and ideation. Don’t put the brakes on that creative flow! Psychologically, we need to take the time to think about where we want to go. Otherwise, we will get stuck, just spinning our wheels.
Community, In-Group (Mercury in Gemini, 11. House)
A Mercury transit in the eleventh house brings activity to social affairs. If you are involved in a joint project or interest group, this is a great time for organizing and networking. Mercury is in his element when he can bring people together to share ideas. This airy quality is usually a breath of fresh air, but sometimes, Mercury likes to sow mischief or play ‘devil’s advocate just to stir things up. Psychologically, this Mercury gets his sense of belonging when he feels intellectually at home among his peers.
Spirituality, Transcendence (Mercury in Gemini, 12. House)
When Mercury transits the twelfth house, he can be elusive and hard to understand. He might try to get clarity, but his mental constructs may keep changing shape. Try to transcend the mental trap of dualism and accept ambiguity. Let the shades between black and white simply be grey. Psychologically, this transit can be difficult, as everyday certainties can lose their meaning.