Astrological Forecast, November 2021
On Halloween, the year has reached another turning point. The veil between the worlds has become thin, and we are confronted with the creatures of the underworld, the Ghoulies and Ghosties we thought securely stuffed into the deep vault.
November 1 – 4, 2021
Astrologically, we are now in Scorpio season. On November 1, the Sun and Mars are already there – soon to be joined by Mercury, who is still in Libra and trining Jupiter in Aquarius. This conveys an idealistic and optimistic spirit, despite the undeniable difficulties.
Unfortunately, the mood does not last. The very next day, Mercury squares Pluto, which paints a much darker picture. This is accompanied by uneasy quincunxes between the Sun and Chiron, and Mars and the north node. Some challenging issues must be faced.
No matter how badly we want ‘normality’ to return, we can’t ignore the facts. But not everybody agrees on how to handle the issues at hand.
On the New Moon on November 4, hot-tempered energy is running high. The Sun and Moon oppose Uranus in Taurus. But before the Moon arrives at this position, it conjuncts Mars and squares Saturn. Hang on to your hats! This New Moon is emotionally highly charged and will be difficult to contain.
Of course, not everybody will be affected. It predominantly concerns Scorpios and other fixed signs, or those with personal planets in the first 15 degrees of the fixed signs.
Scorpio energy urges us to clear out the cupboards, attend to festering wounds and let go of stuff that is no longer nourishing or needed. Under the circumstances, fundamental change is a distinct possibility, but getting there won’t be easy.
November 5 – 10, 2021
On November 5, both Mercury and Venus are changing signs. Mercury is moving into Scorpio, while Venus is taking up residence in Capricorn. Mercury will whizz by in a flash and leave Scorpio before the end of the month, but Venus will stay in Capricorn until March 6, 2022!
This is a rather stern place for Venus. Capricorn does not dabble or play -there is always an agenda, and rules to follow.
But wait, there is more – the month is getting more intense as it moves along. Just after Mercury and Mars throw a sesquiquadrate over to Neptune (murky stuff), Mercury conjuncts Mars, and together they square Saturn. It looks like inappropriate actions or behaviours will be exposed and need to be dealt with.
November 11 – 16, 2021
The Sun trines Neptune on November 12, which suggests a gesture of goodwill. But on November 13, Mercury opposes Uranus, which is almost sure to blow his top. It won’t take much for Mercury to provoke Uranus. Despite the Sun and Venus attempting to calm the waters, the core issue is not going away.
November 17 – 21, 2021
On November 17, Mars opposes Uranus. Mars does not have much patience for talk but wants to see action…now! All this is commotion is going down in the run-up to the Full Moon eclipse on November 19, which will bring things to a head. But it won’t just be a bloody mess. There are some alleviating features. The Full Moon squares Jupiter, which urges a solution-based, hope-inspired approach. Mercury squares Jupiter and trines Neptune, suggesting that vision must be followed by action, or it comes to nought. Likewise, the quarrelsome energy between the Uranus/Mars opposition is channelled into practical action, based on rules and regulations, as Venus trines/sextiles them from Capricorn. More about this in the Full Moon post later this month.
November 22 – 24, 2021
On November 22, the Sun enters Sagittarius and immediately conjuncts the nodal axis of the Moon. This is a strong indicator of change, but it must be driven by a change in thinking, by a paradigm shift. Mercury changes signs and moves into Sagittarius on November 24. In the following days, Venus and Mercury dominate the stage. Their message is that head and heart must work in unison. We will only act on things that we really care about.
November 25 – 30, 2021
In the last week of November, the energies seemingly resolve quite peacefully. On November 29, the Sun conjuncts Mercury while Mars trines Neptune, and on November 30, the Sun and Mercury both trine Chiron. Various sextiles embellish the scene. It seems that by the end of the month, we may have turned a challenging corner and may have found a new way forward. How that will pan out is written in the stars. So, stay tuned!