By the time October comes around, it hits me. Another year is almost over. We are on the home run, so to speak. But, astrologically, there is still plenty to come, even as the year is beginning to wind down. So let’s take an astrological preview of October.
Mercury retrograde
Mercury went retrograde a few days ago and will stay that way until October 18. But that is not the end of it, totally. There follows a ‘shadow’ period, while Mercury gets back to the zodiacal position he held before going retrograde. That was at 25° Libra. He won’t get back there until November 3. So, prepare yourself for delays and unexpected twists and turns. But it’s not all woe. Mercury retrograde has its good sides too. If your to-do list didn’t get much attention during the summer, now is the time to catch up. Narrow your focus and tackle that list! But pay extra attention to interpersonal matters: partnerships, friendships, relationships, and legal matters.
October 1-8, 2021
October starts off with Mars opposing Chiron and Mercury squaring Pluto – not exactly a cooperative tone. By October 3, the Sun (and nearby Mars) are opposite Chiron, while Venus casts a sesquiquadrate to Chiron. Mars can overreact or act impulsively before really thinking things through. Arguments, perhaps regarding legal matters and personal rights concerning health requirements, are likely. The trend continues and is likely to intensify in the run-up to the New Moon, on October 6.
New Moon, October 6, 2021
Mars joins the Sun and the Moon on this day, and the three of them quincunx Uranus, which is still retrograde. The stakes are high, and Mars is volatile. Think before you act (or even open your mouth). Also on the New Moon, Pluto is turning direct, thus initiating a shift of gears, especially in the public sphere. The review phase is over. Changes will be implemented now.
The very next day, on October 7, Venus changes signs and moves into Sagittarius. In fiery Sagittarius, Venus is gregarious and flighty (and flirty). Given that she won’t be clashing much with other planets while passing through this sign, this hints at some light-hearted, flashy fun.
Mars is exacting its conjunction with the Sun on October 8, but the aspect will be operative all week, starting October 3. The fiery god of war is not very considerate. He has a tendency to fly off the handle. To achieve the best possible outcome, practice patience, but also stand your ground. Avoiding conflict is not an option. Unresolved issues must be aired, but aim for a win-win outcome!
October 9-16, 2021
The opportunity for an open talk presents itself on October 9, when Mercury conjuncts the Sun and Mars. Make sure that whatever you agree on does not compromise your inner values.
Saturn turns direct on October 11, in 6° Aquarius. This will be a turning point for those who have planets in the 6 – 13° range of the fixed signs (Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio and Taurus). The keyword is implementation.
The following days feature mostly minor aspects. Of those, the most cheerful is the trine between the Sun (still closely conjunct Mars) and Jupiter (conjunct Moon) on October 15. This indicates more than just a glimpse of hope. It suggests some kind of future vision, even though Jupiter is retrograde.
October 17-20, 2021
Alas, on October 17, the Sun squares Pluto. Just when you think that things are moving up, something throws a spanner in the works, or previously unnoticed challenges become apparent.
At least, Mercury and Jupiter are both going direct on October 18, and Mars trines Jupiter on October 19. All this presents a positive push ahead. These aspect dynamics are preparing the ground for the Full Moon in Aries on October 20.
Full Moon, October 20, 2021
The Full Moon suggests some kind of breakthrough. Mars is still close enough to the Sun to be drawn into the dominant Full Moon pattern, and it is still trining Jupiter and squaring Pluto. Change is in the air.
October 21-30, 2021
On October 22, the Mars /Pluto square becomes exact. This is a culmination of the preceding dynamics and the energies that have been building up.
The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23, and things turn a bit jarring almost immediately. Illusions are likely to pop when Venus squares Neptune on October 27, with all the attendant aftermath. On October 30, the Sun squares Saturn, and Mars is following the Sun into Scorpio. Demands that must be faced at this stage of the process are recognizing your limitations and taking responsibility for your decisions and actions are.