Welcome to the astrological forecast for September 2021. As with most months, September has its ups and downs. Neptune exerts the most dominant influence during this time, as various planets that are currently in Virgo will be passing it in opposition. This influence gradually shifts as Libra becomes increasingly populated and planets in cardinal signs are getting more involved. There is a certain degree of turbulence and uneasiness in the air, which will erupt around the times of the New Moon and the Full Moon. Towards the end of the month, Mercury turns retrograde, leaving a few open ends and questioning others.
September 1–5, 2021
The month of September starts off with one glaring aspect across the zodiac: Mars is hovering in opposition to Neptune. This aspect signifies danger due to exposure while in a weak and vulnerable position. The ‘enemy’ is nebulous and not clearly graspable. It may be ideological, religious, political, biological or all of these – but in any case, it is subversive. It sucks up Mars’ energy and dissipates it. Inertia and self-sabotage are common expressions. We can see it in our coping behaviour in the face of the ongoing pandemic: fatigue is dangerously undermining efforts to overcome this invisible threat.
September 5–8, 2021
In the run-up to the New Moon, Mercury trines Saturn on September 5, signalling a time for deep reflection in search of clarity and a higher level of understanding. Then, Venus squares Pluto on September 6. As a passing transit, the effect is of short duration. But it does indicate a rumble in the emotional sphere, probably around control issues. This will be felt if it touches planets or angles in the personal horoscope.
On the same day, Mars trines Pluto, so this upset may actually be channelled into some measure of meaningful change instead of ending up as a festering sore under the surface. It helps to have clarity regarding what you really want. Then you can use Mars’ courage to stand up for yourself. The chances of an overall positive outcome are good, as Venus moves on to form a trine with Jupiter (still on September 6). There is hope. A more promising larger picture is emerging once fear has been overcome.
The New Moon in Virgo falls on September 7. It casts a striking trine to Uranus in Taurus. With that Uranian element of surprise added to the mix, this New Moon won’t be boring. Stay flexible and adapt to changing circumstances.
On September 8, Mercury opposes Chiron, likely bringing health issues back onto the radar. The pandemic isn’t over yet. School has started…by this time, we’ll see how that is going.
September 9–10, 2021
Venus changes signs and enters Scorpio on September 10. Scorpio is an intense sign for the Goddess of Love, and we will feel that sizzle as she moves through Scorpio, casting various aspects to other planets.
September 10–14, 2021
In the middle of the month, on September 14, the Sun opposes Neptune. Some metaphorical swamp monster may be lifted to the light of day, where it can be exposed, and examined. On the flip side, this aspect can also dilute the powers of rational judgement. Ludicrous and/or scandalous narratives are likely to emerge.
September 15–20, 2021
Mars moves into Libra, on September 15. In this sign, he is in his ‘detriment’, meaning he lacks his usual assertiveness. Although not super dramatic, this period before the Full Moon has its challenges. On September 17, the Sun trines Pluto, while Venus squares both Saturn and the Moon. This looks like a time of reckoning. We need to take an honest and objective look at the current situation and the power dynamics at work.
The Full Moon on September 20 features a trine between Mercury and Jupiter, which is generally optimistic and forward-looking. But there is a sense of latency. New images and visions are emerging, but we are not quite there yet.
September 21–26, 2021
The last third of the month is the most intense. On September 22, we have reached the autumn equinox. It does not look like a smooth transition. The Sun changes signs and enters Libra while forming a sesquiquadrate to Uranus, throwing in a wild card. Meanwhile, Mercury squares Pluto. This combination of aspects has a rebellious flavour – complete with the accompanying efforts to control its expression. This is further underlined by Venus opposition to Uranus on the following day. (September 23).
On September 25, Mars trines Saturn, which suggests that control will be regained. This aspect is helpful for tasks that require sustained effort, concentration, and foresight.
September 27–30, 2021
Mercury turns retrograde on September 27, which may undo or at least question the unfolding story of the past few weeks. While Mercury retrograde is not necessarily bad, it does usually come with its challenges. Nothing is as straightforward as it should be. On September 29, Venus trines Neptune while the Sun trines Saturn. In a judicial setting, this could be a settlement. It could also indicate a friendly takeover of some sort. It may work out well if all parties aim at a win-win situation. The month ends with the Sun casting a sesquiquadrate to Jupiter and Venus forming a square to Jupiter. It looks as though earlier ambitions are being cut down to size.