April 19 – May 04, 2021
Mercury whizzed through Aries and he will be rushing through Taurus, too. Taurus is a ‘fixed’ sign and Mercury here is focused and much less fidgety than usual. In fact, he can be pretty single-minded and determined to get stuff done, once he has set his mind on a practical task in hand. But, he is also known for stubbornness and procrastination. The incentive is the key to his motivation.
Mercury in Taurus is pragmatic, realistic and practical. But he can also be conservative and reluctant to try something new. When it comes to finding solutions he is more likely to stick to what he knows.
Mercury will bump into Uranus and Venus on April 24. Together the trio will square Saturn. This is not the most comfortable configuration. A sudden change in circumstances may require rising to the challenge in a grown-up and responsible way, which may not exactly be what you had in mind before.
As Mercury passes through Taurus the time is right for project planning. Ideas are just flighty wisps in the wind and while they can be inspiring, they come to nothing, lest they are grounded in reality. Now is the time to get to work: plant those seed ideas and watch them grow.
Mercury is a fast-moving planet. The effects of this transit are not very strong (more like a thought theme, or idea) unless you experience it as a direct transit to planets in your horoscope.
Self-Presentation, Persona (1. House):
Mercury is a communicator and always looking to make connections. In the first house, he brings a breath of fresh air: perhaps a stimulating encounter that offers food for thought, or an attempt to reach out is met with a response.
Money, Values (2. House):
A Taurus second house indicates a firm grasp of the workings of the material world. When Mercury passes through, it is a hint to examine one’s attitudes to money and values. Sometimes, a good deal might appear out of nowhere. Make sure it is really rock-solid and not just a get-rich-fast scheme.
Friends and Kin, Mental Processing (3. House):
In the third house, Mercury sparks conversation and mental exchanges. See how you can connect with others, especially with your siblings and friends and let your ideas flow.
Home and Family (4. House):
When Mercury visits the fourth house, the home becomes the focus of attention – especially since Venus and Uranus are there as well. Family issues could get quite lively, perhaps even disruptive. Focus on practical solutions.
Creativity, Children (5. House):
A Taurus fifth house is practical and goal-oriented when it comes to tackling creative projects. Whether renovating or creating a piece of art, Mercury in Taurus inspires elegant, and even artistic solutions. Take time out to play with the kids or take a walk in nature to find inspiration.
Health, Work, Service (6. House):
In the workplace, common sense is a powerful antidote to hysteria. Mercury in Taurus is pragmatic; he focuses on practical solutions. This also applies to health matters. Be realistic; don’t set the bar too high! Even small steps can make a difference, as long as you commit to change.
Partnership, Relationship (7. House):
In the seventh house, Mercury in Taurus is a bit restless in the realm of the heart. Everywhere, within and without, the sap is rising. For lovers, this is a good time to strengthen their bonds. Keep communications honest and real, even in the face of uncertainty.
Shared Assets, Inner Resources (8. House):
The eighth house governs shared assets and inner resources. When Mercury passes through pay attention to money matters and investments. Likewise, it is a good time to build up inner resources as a source of security.
Travel, Study (9. House):
Can you hear the call for adventure? Mercury is itching for stimulation and excitement. But, it doesn’t have to be a round-the-world trip; short excursions into nature or even exploring the nearby areas will do – as long as you try to see things with fresh eyes. A mindful attitude can change perceptions and thus, your experience. Keep your eyes open and your mind alert – you never know what might be lurking just around the corner!
Career, Status (10. House):
When Mercury visits the house of ‘career and profession’ prepare for a somewhat restless period. A flurry of activity or changes may require greater flexibility and adaptation. New opportunities or job offers might suddenly expand the realm of possibilities. Pay attention to your interactions with superiors and try to be flexible and open-minded to new ideas.
Community, In-Group (11. House)
In the eleventh house, Mercury enlivens group activities and communications. Friends and groups can be a great source of comfort and support, at this time. Shared projects build community spirit.
Spirituality, Transcendence (12. House)
When Mercury passes through the twelfth house, pay attention to the messages of the spiritual world, the whispers in the trees, the signs and intuitions that guide you. Charitable activities that help others may be a good way to express this transit.