This Full Moon is a big deal in Astrology. This is a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon and it also coincides with a very tight Sun/Mercury conjunction. Saturn and Pluto are getting ever closer to each other, the atmosphere is sizzling. This is an intense day that sets the tone for the rest of the year, and possibly far beyond that. Interestingly, there are almost no other significant aspects. Everything is focused on this crescendo. This is a moment of truth. Hold on to your hats!
The full Moon is followed by Uranus going direct – finally! It has been going retrograde since August last year, making progress quite slow and painstaking – in fact, in some areas of life, things even seemed to have been sliding backward. But now things are changing. With Uranus moving direct change is coming, and fast.
Saturn/ Pluto will complete their conjunction in just a couple of days. This is the dawn of a new era. It will be born out by the children that are born at this time. Meanwhile, the events that are taking place now are setting the course for history to unfold.
Right after this momentous event, on January 13th, Venus is moving into the watery sign of Pisces. This will bring the emotional dimension much more prominently back into play. Venus in Pisces is often portrayed as a sweet charmer, but that doesn’t really give justice to this complex placement.